Thursday, March 23, 2023

Protecting Cheyenne (SEAL of Protection #5) by Susan Stoker


Living in Southern California, Cheyenne was used to seeing hot military men as she went about her daily business. An anonymous encounter at the grocery store cemented her crush on one such man. He was big, built, and incredibly easy on the eyes, but it wasn't like he would ever really notice her. Always in control of any situation, Faulkner "Dude" Cooper knows explosives. Disfigured by a bomb while on a mission, he's used to being looked at with pity. When he's called to a local supermarket to assist the local PD, the last thing he expects to find is a generous act of kindness performed by a beautiful amazing woman....Check out more in Protecting Cheyenne by Susan Stoker was published in March 28, 2015. This is the fifth book in SEAL of Protection series. 

I really liked this book a lot more then most in this series. I am not sure why as a lot of Susan Stoker's are amazing books. But this one I really fell in love with the two main characters. I saw a lot of my self in Cheyenne. As I am really quiet but don't mind helping others. Also I had a crush on my husband from when we were twelve to the time we were married. Or if it's the way she writes the love scenes of these two is different then the others. Dude is a little more alpha then the others in sense. The relationship these two have is really special. It was not instant they are in love but it was instant attraction. They both have faults which I love when characters put faults in books. But, I love this book and will read it over and over again. 

SEAL of Protection Series 

1: Protecting Caroline
5. Protecting Cheyenne


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Protecting Summer (SEAL of Protection #4) by Susan Stoker


At age fifteen, Sam "Mozart" Reed's life changed the day his little sister was found abused and murdered. Since her death, he's spent his life hunting for the serial killer who took his sister from him and ruined his family. Using his connections, and SEAL training, Mozart believes he's finally tracked the killer to the town of Big Bear, California. Summer Pack is working in a crappy motel up at Big Bear Lake until she can find something better, more meaningful, more real. While living in an unhealthy situation, she meets a man who is everything she's dreamed about. Protecting Summer by Susan Stoker was published in February 2015.  This is book four of the SEAL of Protection series. 

Ahh...this is such a cute story with a lot of backstory for Sam. I felt like I was really getting to know Sam's backstory a lot more then the others on his team. I also fell in love with Summer. How she was really trying better herself. I really love how it was not an instant connection but yet Sam felt the need to protect her from the beginning. I really enjoyed this way and felt terrible for some of the not much known characters in this book. 

SEAL of Protection
4. Protecting Summer 


Monday, March 13, 2023

Stepbrother Virgin by Anne George


Susie had taken care of her billionaire mother as long as she could remember. She'd run the household and kept the hired help from quitting in frustration. But learning her mother had gotten married...again....and her new stepdad and stepbrother would be moving in might just push her over the edge. Buck had taken care of his destitute dad as long as he could remember. If Buck didn't bring home his salary from working at the golf course, they wouldn't have a place to live or enough to eat. He hasn't even fount the time, or inclination, to lose that pesky virginity he's been holding on to. Stepbrother Virgin by Anne George was published in February 2015. This is a stand-alone book. 

This was a really strange book. The writing is similar to one of my favorite authors which is Susan Stoker. But there was not much plot and I felt like the book was rushing all over the place. It was hard to figure out all that was happening other then two characters having sex all the time. It wasn't my cup of tea for adult books as I feel like it was just so the characters can have sex over and over again. Also could not see how the two characters fell in love. But other then that if you like the tons of sex scenes and little plot then this book is for you. 


Find other Stoker World books here. 

Beautiful Chase (The Bounty Hunters - The Marino Bros. #2) by M.J. Nightingale


Bella Chase led a simple life. She was a good girl who worked hard at a job she loved, had good friends, and enjoyed her life. She just fell for the wrong guy. A bad boy with a bad reputation. When he maliciously involves her in a crime that goes awry, and someone is killed, it is her life on the line. She has no choice, but to flee. She not only faces life in prison, she faces a death sentence if she talks. Beautiful Chase by M.J. Nightingale published in January 2015. This is the second book in The Bounty Hunters - The Marino Bros. series. 

This one made me giggle so much through out the book. At first everything that Bella did made me cringe knowing that she was just digging her grave even further. I really enjoyed this book though and felt horrible for Bella that she had so much that was happening to her. I am also falling in love with the whole Marino family. The guys are so much fun and I love finding out more and more of their background. It makes me excited to keep reading books from the series. I love how the relationship in this book grows. It's not a fast past book as the first one and that is okay. I love how the author eases humor throughout the book to keep you going. I highly recommend though reading the first book of the series first as each book just builds on the last. 

The Bounty Hunters - The Marino Bros. Series 
2. Beautiful Chase 



Marrying Caroline (SEAL of Protection #3.5) by Susan Stoker


Caroline and Wolf had a wild start to their relationship...plane hijacking, kidnapping, attempted drowning, and a terrorist plot foiled. Now things have calmed down and a wedding is in the works for the couple. By enlisting the help of Wolf's teammate, Cookie, Caroline is immersed in plans for her dream wedding. Of course, with their luck, things can never go without a hitch. Marrying Caroline by Susan Stoker was published in January 2015. This book is three point five in the series of SEAL of Protection. 

This book is really sweet and really show the love of Caroline and Wolf throughout. But also the friendship between Caroline and Cookie. Of course it would not be a Susan Stoker book without the crazy turns and weird turn of events. I really enjoyed this book and I love that we had the same characters and they had the same personalities as they did in the other three books in the series. Susan Stoker really knows her characters well as they relay through the series with no weird personality changes. I highly recommend reading the other three books before reading this book. So you can get to know each of the main characters before and know their background. 

SEAL of Protection series 
3.5: Marrying Caroline


Sunday, March 12, 2023

Beautiful Bounty (The Bounty Hunters - The Marino Bros. #1) by M.J. Nightingale


Ronnie Sears has a college degree, a promising future, a boyfriend, and a plan. But, her perfect life comes crashing down around her in the blink of an eye. Arrested, framed for drug smuggling, and facing years behind bars, Ronnie sees no choice but to run. Only she can prove her innocence. Nikko Marino is a charming bounty hunter who job is to keep an eye on Ronnie. Beautiful Bounty by M.J. Nightingale was published on November 2014. This is the first book in The Bounty Hunters - The Marino Bros series. 

This was my first book by M.J. Nightingale and I was not disappointed. The two main characters both have faults and I could almost picture them in my living room. I really loved this story. It has adventure, drama, and romance all in one. It's a book that really makes you think and you hope in the end that you are right. It also has a lots of ups and down. I do need to warn you though that this book is a little slow in the beginning but it will quickly speed up. I really like how the Nikko humor really comes out and how he is such a flirt. He is one of those guys you know will run wild with women and thinks he's the almighty. He also needed a girl to keep him level headed. I highly recommend checking this book out. 

The Bounty Hunters - The Marino Bros Series 
1. Beautiful Bounty 


Protecting Fiona (SEAL of Protection #3) by Susan Stoker


Hunter Knox was good at his job, infiltrating behind enemy lines was one of his specialties. His SEAL team relied on him to do his job, just as he relied on them to do theirs. Ever since two of his teammates found a woman that completed them, their dangerous Ops seemed a bit more intense. Cookie knew if he had a woman who belonged to him, he'd never let her go. Little did he know the SEAL team's latest mission to Mexico would change his life forever. Protecting Fiona by Susan Stoker was published in November 2014. This is book three of the SEAL of Protection series. 

This was one of my favorite books of the series. I absolutely love how this book shows that not everything is perfect. I love how it shows that Fiona was still not okay after being saved from the situation. This book was so perfect and yes it still doesn't show everything that a person in Fiona situation her mindset. I also love Hunter's is so loving towards what Fiona is going through. I highly recommend checking out this book. You are for sure going to fall in love with Fiona like I have. 

SEAL of Protection series 


Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection #2) by Susan Stoker


Alabama didn't have a good start to life. Emotionally and physically abused by her mama, Alabama spent her high school years in foster care. People let her down, time after time, and she'd learned to rely on only herself. Christopher Powers tolerates nothing less then honesty from people around him. Alabama and Christopher had no idea their paths will cross. Protecting Alabama by Susan Stoker was published in October 2014. This is the second book in the SEAL of Protection series. 

I have fallen into the rabbit hole with Susan Stoker. I love how each of her books build upon each other. In this book, you get to spend time with the characters that you were able to meet in Meet Caroline. But yet this book could also stand by it self. Anyways, I fallen in love with Abe and with Alabama. I love how the characters build upon and you get to know more about Abe that you met in the first book. Alabama is new though and she has her own story of survival with the help of Abe. They each knew each other was different that they could have a good chance of falling in love with each other. But it still wasn't in your face instant love. It still had to build. This book also has everything that keeps the readers engaged. I highly recommend reading this book as you won't be disappointed in the least.

Check Out other Books in the Series
1 : Protecting Caroline 
2: Protecting Alabama 
3: Protecting Fiona 
3.5: Marrying Caroline 
4: Protecting Summer 
5: Protecting Cheyenne
6: Protecting Jessyka
6.5: Protecting Julie
7: Protecting Melody
8: Protecting the Future


Men in Uniform- Military 

Check Out Other Stoker World Books

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Protecting Caroline (SEAL of Protection #1) by Susan Stoker


Matthew "Wolf" Steel hated flying commercial. Luckily his job as a Navy SEAL meant he didn't have to do it very often. He'd been unlucky enough to be assigned a middle seat on the cramped jet, but fortunately for him, the woman next to him was willing to switch seats with him. Hoping for a relaxing flight, Wolf was pleasantly surprised at the good conversation next to him. Neither Wolf or his companion were prepared for a terrorist hijacking of their plane. Protecting Caroline by Susan Stoker was published in September 2014. This is book one of the SEAL of Protection series. 

This was one of the first books that I read by Susan Stoker. Yep, I have read the books out of series and in weird way. Anyways, I wasn't as much as a fan of this book as I was the other books that Susan Stoker has written. Though I did really like this book. I love how Caroline was the one who helped them all in the book at first. I love how they each have faults and the SEALs are not perfect. This book had amazing ups and downs that really help seal the book as being a great read. Susan Stoker has a way of words that you fall in love with the main characters but also each character you meet. Which is good since there are books for each SEAL. I absolutely recommend this book. You will not be disappointed. The only issue I had was I felt like the book was slow to get going but it rose and quicken in the plot line toward the end. 

SEAL of Protection Series in Order
1: Protecting Caroline


Sunday, March 5, 2023

Frozen Hearts (Beyond Reality #3) by Susan Stoker


Working as a camper operator for a hard-nosed producer isn't all fun and games. Kira is seriously thinking about making this reality show her last. She's known as being 'cold-as-ice' when it comes to men, which is appropriate since they're filming in Alaska. Before she can figure out what she wants to do with her life she had to make it through this show. Frozen Hearts by Susan Stoker was published in August 2014. This is book three of the Beyond Reality series. 

This one was a bit different the the other books in the series. As Kina and Jonathan knew each other before they were falling for each other. I though really like how the author used that background of pervious books to create this book. I really recommend that readers read the other two books before this book. I really loved how each of the main characters have some things that you still don't know but slowly find out why they are the way they are. Also love how each of them have faults and falling in love wasn't instant. I really like this book and can't wait to read more by Susan Stoker. 

Beyond Reality Series in Order


Flaming Hearts (Beyond Reality #2) by Susan Stoker


Becky is on a reality show in Arizona, but instead of having the single men compete with each other for her affections, she has to compete with another woman for theirs. While on a disastrous double date for the show, Becky meets a wonder man, too bad she's not allowed to talk to him. Flaming Hearts by Susan Stoker was published in July 2014. This is book two of the Beyond Reality series. 

I have fallen in love with the way Susan Stoker writes her books. The characters in this book are amazing. I really loved Becky's attitude and how she reacted to others. I also love how rounded Susan Stoker's characters are. They are not perfect and have a background that you learn about throughout the book. Though I really want to know more about some of the older characters in the book got together. I really like this book and can not wait to read more. There is the perfect amount of romance and the slow build throughout the book. 

Beyond Reality Series in Order


Check out other books from Stoker's World here. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Outback Hearts (Beyond Reality #1) by Susan Stoker


Sam never thought she'd actually be chosen for a reality show --but next thing she knew, she was whisked away to Australia. Dealing with a producer willing to do whatever he had to do make the show a hit, other women ready to cheat and lie to gain the attention of the bachelor, and a camera operator ready to catch her at her worst every time she turned around, absolutely nothing was as simple as it seemed on TV. Not to mention the pigs, killer rattlesnakes and shoveling manure. Sam wasn't sure she was going to make it through filming most days - never mind find true love. Outback Hearts by Susan Stoker was published in May 2014. This is the first book in Beyond Reality series. 

I have grown to love Susan Stoker books so much but can tell this is one of her first books. It took me awhile at first to warm up to the characters and to what was happening in the book. Though Susan Stoker has a way with words that can catch you off guard. She loves to throw in little things throughout the book that may seem very small but end up really important. I really loved this book in the end and loved the two main characters. I love the twist and turns and highly recommend checking out this book. 

Beyond Reality Series in Order

1. Outback Hearts 


Check out other books in order in Stoker World.