Monday, May 22, 2023

Hunter (The Bang Shift #2) by Mandy Harbin


After finally getting out of her disastrous relationship, Maya Carmichael has sworn off all bad boys. Sure they're hot. The attitude? No thanks. But when her car is vandalized while on a night out with her roommate, she realizes her ex is truly sadistic. Her friend insists they lay low for a few days while the cops do their thing. Unfortunately her temporary haven will throw her in the path of another bad boy. Oh, she's heard stories about her roommate's brother, Hunter, and he's just the type she wants to avoid. Until she sees him....and all good intentions fly. Hunter by Mandy Harbin was published in March 2015. This is book two of the The Bang Shift series. 

I absolutely loved this book so much. I loved Hunter and I kept yelling at Maya to show Hunter something. I knew that it was going to bite her in the butt. But I have to say through the whole book I was trying to figure out how Maya story and Hunter's past was going to come colliding. How were they intersecting. I was though surprised when it came to head. I really like this story and I felt like the love between Maya and Hunter didn't come out of left field or feel rush as Brody and and his girlfriend's did. I really felt both of the characters grew and I can't wait to read the next book in line. 

A Quote that I Love 
"At least you know he's not the type to trash your car," Heather said softly. "No," she said tonelessly. "He's the type to hide in a bush and slit a man's throat in the still of the night." 

Bang Shift Series Books in Order 
1. Brody


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