Sunday, July 16, 2023

Ruthless Royals Duet (Ruthless Crown and Ruthless Queen) by Amanda Richardson


Their names are whispers in the hallways. Hunter, Ash, Ledger, and Samson. The Kings. Four of the most beautiful men I've ever seen, with cruel agendas and even crueler regn over Ravenwood Academy. Wreaking havoc in our small, New England town, no one asks questions. For the most part, people ignore or avoid them. After all, they're royalty here. Because one of them-the cruelest one-is the headmaster's son. And my new stepbrother. Ruthless Crown by Amanda Richardson was published in August 2021. This is book one of Ruthless Royals series. 

I am not one to really read a lot of reverse harem but when I do it's usually because the book interest me enough to get passed one female with lots of guys. This book has one female named Briar. Briar has had a lot going on in the past couple of years. At the beginning of the book you know something happened at her old school that caused her to go to therapies. Also you know that her mother married a guy that Briar barely knows who has a son the same age who she has never met. Briar is trying to figure who she is and how to become a strong individual. She has a lot of faults in the beginning of the book but you follow her path in finding herself. Her stepbrother is Hunter. Hunter is apart of this group called The Kings. He's the leader of the pack and his dad is the dean of their school. You know he is dealing with his own demons but you just don't know how many there are. But you also know that he is ruthless to anyone who wants to be. He is also very close to his friends. Ash is the son of the mayor and he has the sexual mouth alive. He is dealing with the physical abuse of her his father and his father putting his mom in a mental hospital. Ledger parents are super religious and in a cult for that religion which led Ledger being abused as well as his older brother. Then there is Samson who is the nerd of the group. Each character is rounded with their own backstory that comes out which is perfect. When Briar learns of the backstory the reader learns it as well. 

The plot of this story is interesting and you really need to read book two to see it come to the end. There are parts in the book that are slow that could have been rushed or even dropped out of the book. Then there are pieces that felt rushed but should have been slowed down a little bit. But the smut in this book is extremely full of smut. They are extremely spicy. It's nice though that Briar has a different relationship with each guy and does spend some one on one time with each of them but also spends time with all of them. This book is interesting and I try to not know that they are in high school. I recommend checking out this book. 

Quotes that I Loved 

His eyes travel down my body briefly before he cocks his head, like an animal studying their prey. 

"Is that why you let Ash finger fuck you in the car just now?" 

She's my kryptonite, and I knew the instant we met that staying away from her was never going to be an option. 

Book 2 is below so down scroll down if you don't want to be spoiled. 

After making a pact with them, they help me get revenge on the one man who wronged me. I'm not the same meek, little girl that got taken advantage of. Now, I have four ruthless guys willing to risk everything for me. The only problem is, I promised them everything I had in return for their help. So while I may be the new Queen of Ravenwood, the Kings still own me, body and soul. And I'm not quite sure I'm ready to hand over my crown. Ruthless Queen by Amanda Richardson was published in September 2021. This book two in Ruthless Royals series. 

The characters are still the same from book two but a lot of the guys are settled in some as some of their problems are not there anymore. Ash is now trying to figure out his life with his mom in his life once again. But now Briar is the one dealing with things in her life and the boys are trying to protect her. Her rapist that she almost killed back at her old life before Hunter and the the Kings is back. He is hunting Briar and is now trying to do something to her. He stalking her as sometimes he is seen then there are times they don't know where he is. Also the Kings and now the Queen is trying to figure out how to move about with their relationship. Briar is trying to get her friends again to like her as well. So lots of weird movement in this book that can kind of get you all confused on what is going on. Also the ending is kind of strange as it fast forwards quite a lot. I really did wish I could see them in each step in their life rather then be talked about by one character. It's a great story and it really does finish the Duet out. 

Quotes I Loved 

For all the ladies who've ever been shamed for reading romance. Fuck the haters. 

We have way too much fun, and after my mom goes to bed, he hoists me up onto the kitchen counter, screwing me senselessly-and quietly, so we don't wake our parents. 

I want you to think of me - and only me - when one of the other guys fuck you tomorrow. That I got here first. Just tomorrow. And then I can e a good boy and go back sharing. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Black Ties and White Lies by Kat Singleton


Life is never black and white. One minute you're a struggling graphic designer in LA that's finally coming to terms with being single forever, and the next you're flying to New York in a private jet to get engaged to your ex-boyfriend's older brother. At least...that's what everyone thinks. Forced to clean up his playboy image in order to protect his company, Beckham Sinclair, the city's most eligible billionaire bachelor, wants me to be his fake fiancĂ©e and personal assistant. Black Ties and White Lies by Kat Singleton was published in February 2023. 

I saw this book on bookinstagram since I don't have Tik Tok. I thought some of the quotes looked like it would be a good book. So of course I had to check this book out. Let's first talk about the main characters. The main female character, I liked her personality at the beginning of the book. It was a little slow going but she seemed to keep my interest. She just dealt with a boyfriend she was in love with but he was cheating on her. She was in a job that she went to college for but the head people were not listening (what's new). She had a good personality but then it took a weird turn. Then I couldn't stop wanting to hit her for taking a job that was beneath her previous one. Okay, Beckham Sinclair is a crafty son of a gun. He was off putting in the beginning of the book and if you stopped there you didn't see that he was super crafty in how he used everyone to get the girl. Both were a little flat and didn't seem like they would be real people but it was okay. 

Okay the plot in this book takes the cake. There was lots of slowness in the beginning of the book. That makes you question if you should put down the book. But then as things started to unfold you are thinking there is more to this story that meets the eye. Then it took a wide turn and things start to come undone. There is pretty good smut in this book once you get passed some of the weird slow beginning. But...when everything comes to light in the book the entire plot makes since. You just got to keep pushing. I recommend this book if you can handle the slowness in it as it builds up. You won't be disappointed when you get to the end. 

Quotes That I Loved 

I'm always either at my desk or huddled in front of the coffee maker trying to get the nectar of the gods to keep me awake. 

"Done with what?"
"Eye fucking me."  I almost fall out of my chair at the boldness of his words. "I wasn't ---" A corner of his full lip twitches. "You totally were, Violet. Don't pretend like you weren't." 

"Say his name again, and I'll bend you right over this table and fuck you until the only name you can say is mine. You'll be so full of me you won't even remember who you were thinking about before." 

"....Should I be jealous? You've been staring at your computer monitor with a smile on your face for thirty minutes now. Now you're crossing your legs What are you looking at, Violet? Focus on me. Beck" 

Texas C.H.A.O.S. (Texas Heroes #2) by Sable Hunter

The letters C.H.A.O.S. don't just refer to reality out of control, it's an alert-the Chief Has Arrived on Scene! Logan Gray is that chief. He covers the ground he stands on and people show respect when he walks by. In his late thirties, Logan is a confirmed bachelor. While he may adore the young Jenna from afar, at 18, he considers her to be a lifetime too young for him. Texas C.H.A.O.S. by Sable Hunter was published in October 2015. This is book two of the Texas Heroes series. 

Let me first give a warning. I love to read different type of books but I always told me self that I would not force myself to finish a book I didn't like. It's a good way for me to get turned off of reading. I know that from many years of being forced to read books that I didn't like when I was in school. Also, I promised that when I review books that I will give my honest review no matter how much I didn't like the subject of the book. So that being said...this book is one of those books. 

Let's talk about the elephant in the room first. This book was not my cup of tea. Now I have read best friend dad stories fine. But this book just gave me a huge creep factor. I am sure it's because the main character Logan is in high power and he took a sixteen year old girl in his care as a foster daughter. But he has fallen in love with her outside a father daughter relationship. He fell in love with her like she was his lover. The girl fell in love with him as he was her lover. Of course nothing happened and the girl is now 18. This really turned up my ick factor. I was okay for awhile in the book but then it got so much after a scorching kiss that I could not continue. Now, this book has sat half read for a while on my kindle shelf. Every few weeks I would try it again but I could not finish this book. So let's talk a bit outside the plot of what I know. 

The two main characters seem both rounded that it felt like you could know them (which might be the cause of me ickiness). Logan had faults and he did have a good heart when taking in this teen girl so she wasn't sent away. The girl is the same way. She has many faults like most teen girls do but also has some of her own strengths. 

I am not going to say I recommend or don't recommend reading this book. Because I couldn't finish it and that is my own not of the book. 

Quotes that I Loved

"When you're feeling better. I want to make love to you. I've saved myself for you." 

Friday, July 14, 2023

Rescuing Emily (Delta Force Heroes #2) by Susan Stoker


Renting out the apartment over his garage shouldn't be life-changing decision, but when Delta soldier Cormac "Fletch" meets Emily Grant, he feels an instant connection. He can't stand the thought of Emily and her young daughter living anywhere unsafe. Offering cheap rent is a small price to pay for their safety...and Fletch's peace of mind. Being a single mother is difficult at best, but renting the extremely affordable space from Fletch makes Emily's life a lot easier...until it doesn't. Suddenly all the money she's saving thanks to Fletch's generosity is going into the hands of a blackmailer. And what little food Emily can afford goes to her daughter Annie, so the girl doesn't go to bed hungry...leaving Emily weaker and weaker. Rescuing Emily by Susan Stoker was published in July 2016. This is book two of the Delta Force Heroes series. 

So unlike the other books this book has three main characters. I know I know you are asking how can it have three. Well, I count Emily, Fletch, and Annie as the three main characters. So let's talk about the characters. Emily is a single mom of Annie and she is trying to find a place that safe for her daughter to live. When she comes to the apartment above a military guy's garage. At first she is trying to keep her daughter out of trouble and out of the guy's way. But also is confused over what she was feeling with the guy. Then came in the villian who is trying to ruin everything and Emily is strong headed and trying to protect her daughter. She decides to not eat much at all. She is extremely well rounded and you fall in love with Emily. As Emily is just trying to be the best mom to her amazing little girl. She does have her faults but in this book she really grows from them. Fletch in this book has his own faults but also he has a lot on his plate in this book. He has really grown from enjoying the quietness of his house to enjoying the little company of a little girl. He is over protective at times but you can't fault him for it. It's really fun to watch him grow as a character. Okay, Annie is a cute little girl who loves to play in dirt and loves all military things. She makes you giggle through out the this story but also cry at how brave this sweet girl is. You will absolutely fall in love with this little girl. Good thing she's in other books in the series. 

The plot of this story is amazing and there is several twist and turns. There is not much smut in these books but that is okay. You won't find romance lacking at all between the three characters. Yes, you watch the love of Fletch has for the little girl and vice versa. Also the love that Annie has for all of Fletch's teammates. It's a cute story and it's one of my favorites by Susan Stoker. I really wish there was an Annie in all her series she is that special. I highly recommend that you check out this sweet love story with some drama involved. 

Quotes That I Loved 

"What's up with Mary and Truck?" Emily asked Fletch once everyone had left. He shrugged. "They like each other, but neither will admit it." 
"They're acting like grade-school kids." 
"Yup." Fletch was smiling. "But it's amazing as hell. I can't wait until they both let go of whatever it is that's holding them back and go for it." 

"You probably don't remember this, and I'm not bringing it up now to embarrass you, but last night you told me that you'd fantasized about me. Well the feeling's mutual. You've been driving me crazy since the day you moved in. I have made love to you in my mind more than I'm comfortable admitting. But it's not just about sex. I want to take you out. I want to tuck Annie into her bed at night and read her a bedtime story. I want to sit across from you at the table and watch you smile at something I've said. In case I'm not making myself clear, I want to date you, Miracle Emily Grant. You and your daughter." 
"Oh." Emily blushed a fiery red, but didn't comment further. 

"Lord love a duck, he was lethal." 

Delta Force Heroes Series in Order 
2. Rescuing Emily
6. Rescuing Bryn
7. Rescuing Casey
7.5. Rescuing Sadie
8. Rescuing Wendy
9. Rescuing Mary
9.5. Rescuing Macie
10. Rescuing Annie 
