Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Texas Wildfire (Texas Heroes #1) by Sable Hunter


"I Am My Brother's Keeper" are the words engraved on the plaque awarded to volunteer firefighter/rancher Titan Sloan. Daily he risks his life to save and protect friends and neighbors. When he finds out the person he loves the most is the one he's failed to protect, Titan is fit to be tied. Titan Sloan is a hero, but he's no angel. For years he's secretly been in love with his Captain's wife. When he finds out their marriage is a sham and Makenna is being abused, all hell breaks loose. Texas Wildfire by Sable Hunter was published September 2015. This is the first book in the Texas Heroes series. 

This book was one that I really had a hard time getting into. But I gave it a lot of chances to make it up. Let's first talk about the characters. Makenna is the main female character. She was extremely strong in random parts of the books but yet she was extremely frail in others. A lot of her personality didn't fit those who have been abused as long as she has. So she just didn't fit the picture that I thought she should have. Titan was great but he seemed too perfect and did not have a lot of backstory that helped you see who he was. Though you do get to meet his family, but they are perfect millionaire. He just seemed to perfect. 

The plot of this story had several slow parts that felt like you were trying to trudge though. But then it would pick up and you are like okay this isn't so bad. Book usually take me a day or two to get through but this book I had a hard time picking it up to finish. The smut is pretty clean compare to other books that have I read. Nothing that will make you pretty excited to read just same old things. Don't get me wrong it's a decent book and worth a check. 

Texas Heroes Series in Order

1. Texas Wildfire

2. Texas C.H.A.O.S.



Men in Uniform - Firefighter

Small Town

Check out other books in Stoker World.

Quotes That I Like

"Far be it from me to contribute to an erection shortage." Makenna gasped. "Oh, there's nothing short about your erection." Quickly, her eyes darted back to his, needing to remember who she was with. 

"The value of anything is based upon the regard we have for it, what worth it is to us..." 

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