Sunday, June 25, 2023

Haunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse Duet #1) by H.D. Carlton


I can manipulate the emotions of anyone who lets me. I will make you hurt, make you cry, make you laugh and sigh. But my words don't affect him. Especially not when I plead for him to leave. He's always there, watching and waiting. And I can never look away. Not when I want him to come closer. Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton was published in August 2021. This is book one of Cat and Mouse Duet series. 

First off HOLY FUCK!!!!! Okay, this book just threw me in so many emotions. But first let me tell you that this book has SO MANY triggers. Please be aware if you have triggers when reading this book. Also the authors note at the beginning of the book really sent me giggling so make sure you read it. Okay, the main characters is Z and Adeline with a few other characters through out the book. Let's talk about Z.....just kidding let's talk about Adeline. Adeline is an author of thrillers. She loves to be scared and moved into her grandmother's mansion. I mean you kind of know she likes scary thing when you realize what her mansion looks like. Adeline though at first I was like, Oh I am not going to like this character because she is not like me at all. Then not even a chapter in I am like oh my goodness, I love this quirky girl. She has faults and sometimes I feel like they got her into this situations. But it makes her so loveable and someone that you also want to smack up the back of the head. ALRIGHT...I know you want to talk about the main guy character. Z is just this really really creepy stalker who latched on to Adeline. When Adeline describes what he looks like apart of me wants to run and hide but yet I am also curious on how it will play. Z...has so many RED FLAGS but yet you still love him in a really weird way. The Author really knows how to make you fall in love with this Stalker. To tell you the truth I could totally see this happening in real life. I felt like the two main characters were someone I could know and that just scares me. 

O.M.G. Let's talk about the plot of this book. So when I did want to talk to a few friends (you know who I am talking to) I described my feelings while reading this book in emojis. Because this book brings so many different emotions from: "Are you stupid?" to "RED FLAG, CALL THE POLICE!" to "HE DID WHAT WITH WHAT!!!" to "Awww...he's so sweet." It was that crazy and it only got worse as I read on. This book is so many ups and downs I felt like my heart and head were going on a huge rollercoaster. I swear I even went upside down a few times. I have to say though I could not stop sharing quotes and events in the story with my husband. H.D. Carlton really knows how to write with descriptions (though I am worried of her sanity) and how she designed the plot in this story. There were so many little hints about different things and then she would throw you a curve ball. I absolutely loved this book and so glad that I finally got up the courage to read it. 

But I will say this, do not be afraid to take a break from reading it. There were times that I had to move to a different book to just lighten my mood. This book is dark and it's okay to check out other books in the meantime while you take a short break. It will still be there. 

 Quotes That I Loved

"Did you not just hear what I heard? Someone was banging on my door, and it was kind of scary. I'm not in the mood to have sex right now." 

"Plucking the card out with shaking hands, I open it and read: I'll be seeing you soon, little mouse." 

With deliberation, his tongue darts out and licks his bottom lip. My eyes zero in on the movement. The act primal. Animalistic. And fucking terrifying. 

"Drown in my fucking pussy. Die there for all I care." 

"But the asshole would probably like it, and then turn around and slap me back. And my dumbass self would probably like it, too. 


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