Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Forbidden Freedom by Jasmin Miller


Gemma Fiore can't decide what's worse: sharing a forbidden kiss with a stranger on her wedding day, or her husband being murdered before the marriage has even been consummated. Matteo Santarossa never planned to steal a kiss from a married woman...it just happened. He hadn't planned to kidnap her either, but when gunshots are fired decisions get made fast. And Gemma Fiore? She's the kind of woman he's ready to make risky decisions for. Forbidden Freedom by Jasmin Miller was published in November 2022. 

Another book that I saw a video about and I was like this book sounds interesting. So...this book really went with the punches the very first paragraph of the book. I loved it and could not wait to read more. So I am going to share with you the very first paragraph: 

"Son of a bitch." I push through the hotel room door and slam it shut behind me. At least I try to, but the athematic stopper catches it, closing it with an unsatisfying click. Stupid door. 

That paragraph sent me giggling so much because I pictured someone trying to slam a hotel door. I couldn't wait to read more because of that paragraph and how the author described that little scene. I was not disappointed in the least. So first thing first let's talk about the characters. 

Gemma is amazing and has to have a mask on when she is around certain people all her life. Of course it falls when she is around Matteo. I really like how Gemma comes out more and more the longer she is away from her family. But like everyone she has a her own faults and those do come out in the picture. I also really enjoy Matteo in this book. He is stern but also has a soft side to him. He really shows he cares for Gemma and wants her to be safe. Just doesn't know how to make everything happen. Also love the friends of Matteo and really hope they will have their own books somewhere. Make it happen... 

The plot is really good and you can see the ebb and flow of everything that is taking place. Also the smutty scenes in this book are amazing and different each time. Though I wish there was one in the boxing ring. Anyways, the first smutty scene is in the first two chapters of the book. You will not be disappointed at all. Though, you might want to bash Gemma but she later redeems herself. I really enjoyed this book that I could barely put it down. I love how Matteo really let Gemma be who she is really design to be. Which is a fighter. 


More Quotes to Enjoy 

Stop thinking about him that way. He might have killed your husband. Matteo was there to talk to Luigi, so he probably killed him. Good. I'm glad. 

"Good girl." 

One, don't kill him. Two, don't kill him. Three, don't kill him. Nope, I don't think three breaths will do for this man. 

"I'm temporarily distracted by him rolling up his shirtsleeves, exposing two strong forearms that are thickly veined and lined with several tattoos. He crosses his arms over his chest as if he knows exactly what I was doing. 

"Sit." "I'm not a dog," I mumble at his retreating back. Now that he's not surrounding me with his all-encompassing presence, my anger finds its footing again, bubbling back to the surface. "Good, because I'm really not into bestiality." 

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