Thursday, August 31, 2023

Captured Solace by Raya Morris Edwards


After the death of her parents, Sienna has grown up under the thumb of her cousin Lucien, the Italian mafia boss. In return for a college education, she must marry a man of his choosing and become a pawn in his alliance with the Russian-American mafia. Now her deal with Lucien has come due. Sienna finds herself surprised by her new husband, Viktor. He's quick-witted, surprisingly gentle, and undeniably attractive. But beneath it all, is he the same brutal, ruthless killer as every other made man she's ever known? Captured Solace by Raya Morris Edwards was published in April 2022. 

Sienna is very young acting in this book. I was surprised she was in her twenties and not in her teens. I felt like for having mafia family members she was very sheltered on normal every day things. She has many faults and I actually had a hard time really liking her. Viktor, you know his history but you know that it obviously effected the way he has become. But, he seemed like he held back his true personality even from the reader. I felt like I missing some things of his personality for going through all that he went through. I saw more personality of his in another book then the book of his own. The plot had points where it became repeated and the other times where it felt like it was hard to catch up. Sometimes I had to stop reading it as I was getting bored. I think those parts should have been speed up. All in all it was a decent read. 

Quotes that I Loved 

"Be a good girl and I won't do it again." 

"Let me make you feel good, baby," he breathed. "I'll fuck the attitude out of you later, I promise you that." 

"Keep moaning for me, baby girl," he ordered. "I want to hear how good you feel." 

"Maybe you're just not a good enough girl to get that yet." 
"Oh, so your cock is a gift" She jutted her chin. "Hmm, more like a reward." 
"Your full of it." 
"Not as full as you could be if you behaved yourself." 

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