Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Pucking My Best Friend's Brother by Livvy Stone


The world yearns for my billionaire's riches...But I'd trade it all for my first love, my sister's best friend. Years ago, Emma Mattews fled her toxic father. She came back to make a living from her family-owned skating rink. She didn't know her father sold it to the hockey team. I didn't know she'd returned with dark secrets and scars...Her beauty made my every nerve tingle with familiar desire. Her very scent ignited an unquenchable fire. All I saw was a second chance with the woman I love. All she saw was the man she resented for ghosting her. Pucking My Best Friend's Brother by Livvy Stone will be published in February 7th, 2024. 

I received this book for my honest review. That being said I am going to give it my best to review. Also let you know that I did dnf the book at 50%. I could not get into this book at all. I felt like it was lacking in a lot of places and could not enjoy the book. I kept giving it a try over and over again but I felt not connection with the characters, plot, or dialogue. The idea of the book is based off is a good one and I have enjoyed similar books on it. But I had to dnf it because the dialogue was not well written at all. I felt like I was reading more description when it was actually dialogue. It needs to be more edited so that the dialogue follows rules of dialogue. Either the characters were talking too much or the characters were not talking enough. But it was hard to figure out what was dialogue and what was not. Also did not see any passion for the characters have for each other. Both of the characters were flat and they had no chemistry to each other. Also it was written that the community of the small town hated Emma but yet you saw none of that in the book. You saw some hatred from Emma friend for past mistakes but nothing from her. Also it said that she hated her father and yet didn't see any of the hate. This book needs to go back to editing for some rework. But do not take my word for it and check it out. 
"I want you naked and under me."

"Fine, have it your way. But you'll be missing out on the Zane experience."
"I already had that experience, remember? Not interested in being disappointed as an adult."

"Drake.....I want your face buried in my pussy, now."

"Do you feel how wet you made me?"
"It's like a slip and slide." 

"Good girl, that feels amazing." 

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