Thursday, August 31, 2023

Captured Solace by Raya Morris Edwards


After the death of her parents, Sienna has grown up under the thumb of her cousin Lucien, the Italian mafia boss. In return for a college education, she must marry a man of his choosing and become a pawn in his alliance with the Russian-American mafia. Now her deal with Lucien has come due. Sienna finds herself surprised by her new husband, Viktor. He's quick-witted, surprisingly gentle, and undeniably attractive. But beneath it all, is he the same brutal, ruthless killer as every other made man she's ever known? Captured Solace by Raya Morris Edwards was published in April 2022. 

Sienna is very young acting in this book. I was surprised she was in her twenties and not in her teens. I felt like for having mafia family members she was very sheltered on normal every day things. She has many faults and I actually had a hard time really liking her. Viktor, you know his history but you know that it obviously effected the way he has become. But, he seemed like he held back his true personality even from the reader. I felt like I missing some things of his personality for going through all that he went through. I saw more personality of his in another book then the book of his own. The plot had points where it became repeated and the other times where it felt like it was hard to catch up. Sometimes I had to stop reading it as I was getting bored. I think those parts should have been speed up. All in all it was a decent read. 

Quotes that I Loved 

"Be a good girl and I won't do it again." 

"Let me make you feel good, baby," he breathed. "I'll fuck the attitude out of you later, I promise you that." 

"Keep moaning for me, baby girl," he ordered. "I want to hear how good you feel." 

"Maybe you're just not a good enough girl to get that yet." 
"Oh, so your cock is a gift" She jutted her chin. "Hmm, more like a reward." 
"Your full of it." 
"Not as full as you could be if you behaved yourself." 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Spring Breeze (Hollywood Connections #2) by Lily Alexander


Her fiancé left her at the alter. Now, his best friend is her boss. Addison's life turned upside down when her fiancé took off minutes before their wedding. His best man Dennis was left as the messenger, and she thought it would be the last she saw of him, too. She has to find a new place to live, new friends, a new job and if her best friend has any say, a new man. When Dennis suddenly fits at least two of those categories, he's not so off-limits anymore. Spring Breeze by Lily Alexander was published in September 2021. This is book two of the Hollywood Connections series. 

So this was the book that I read first in this book series. I know it's a huge shock to me as well. Though these books actually work well on being stand-alone. Though you will kind of get what happens in other books in the series. The characters in this book had me laughing at their antics but also at some of the stupid mis-communication. The plot brought me in fast when Addison's life changed at her wedding. Then on how Dennis feels for her and regrets being the one who had to deliver the news. Poor Addison though the news keeps coming. I feel for her throughout this book. I loved the two main characters and a lot of the side characters as well. The two main characters both have a past and you learn about each thing that makes them that way slowly through the whole book. So it's not top heavy book. It's such a cute fun loving book. The plot is amazing where things steadily happens throughout the book but it's not too busy either. I highly recommend reading this book. 

Quotes that I Loved 

"I thought you might be a little more congratulatory. Bagging both sisters? Keeping the secret for months? It was tough, man." 

....but it was still complicated and painful to go through the past, cutting ties with who you no longer were. Even if they were someone you no longer wished to be. 

"You're alright. Come back to me. He's not welcome here." 

"Blushing again means you're remembering naughty things." He pinned me with a look daring me to lie about it. 

"Then there's you. You look like shit. Kind of like you tried to deep-throat a cactus." 

"There's not a single red-blooded woman who doesn't appreciate a man's forearms when they roll up their shirt sleeves, bossman. Yours were up to your elbows and you had a pretty determined look on your face." 
"Makes me feel a certain kind of way." 

Hollywood Connections Series in Order

2. Spring Breeze 


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Winter Bloom (Hollywood Connections #1) by Lily Alexander


Are you lost, Pea? That was the question my best friend asked me before inviting himself on my cross-country road trip. The one i hoped would help me find myself. We shared food, secrets, hotel rooms. Despite the near misses and almost kisses, it was the same as it always had been between us, just more. Instead of finding myself, we found each other. Winter Bloom by Lily Alexander was published in November 2020. This is book one of the Hollywood Connections series. 

So I have to admit that I did not read this series in order so I read a further down the line book to see if the series was worth it. I never do this so this was a first. Thankfully each book can be a stand-alone but you do know things before they happened. Anyways, this was such a cute story though I chuckled at the nickname of Pea for the girl. It wasn't even the famous sweet pea nickname that I have seen in books. Just Pea. The two main characters took me awhile to really get into liking them. But I could picture how they fell in love as they have been friends for some time. I also saw the little things that the characters did for each other that say there was something more. Even when they couldn't tell themselves. This book starts a little slow but it speeds up and is really sweet. I highly recommend checking it out. 

Quotes That I Loved 

She was one of the brightest, shiniest people I knew, but I wasn't a fool. I knew many times those people were the ones struggling the hardest on the inside. 

This man. He was everything. 

Girls who read were girls who had active imaginations. I'd happily take such an attribute in a woman all day long. 

My dainty little flower had managed to back her ass up directly into a cactus when she fell. 

Hollywood Connections Series in Order

1. Winter Bloom


Monday, August 14, 2023

The Hunted One (Falcon Falls Security #1) by Brittney Sahin


Savanna Vasquez lost her Navy SEAL husband years ago to terrorists, and she doesn't think she's capable of falling in love again. So, she busies herself by running her cafe and buries her face in the pages of fiction for romantic escape. But when her late husband's brother finds his way into her life, bringing a world of danger with him, Savanna is protected by a group of tough former Army guys. She feels like she's inside one of her favorite novels, but she's not so sure if her happily-ever-after will be guaranteed, especially when she finds herself alone with one of the dangerously handsome Delta operators. The Hunted One by Brittney Sahin was published in October 2021. This is book one of the Falcon Falls Security series. 

This is one of the books that you might have seen going through all the social media accounts with some hook of quotes. Yeah, it sucks me in too let me tell you. So that is how I found this one. Though I wouldn't be surprise if it's somewhere mixed in with one of my favorite others as well. Anyways, this book had me running all over the place. I don't know how many times I had to change my guess on who was after Savanna in this book. Though there are so many running around in this book it's hard to keep up with who is a good guy and who isn't. I really did enjoy this book, even though it was not one of my favorites. I really liked the plot that was created its just sometimes I felt like I was being dragged somewhere completely different then it flips on you. Not sure if the author met that or not. The two main characters in this book are amazing and you can see the connections of them and their battle through the book in fighting against it. I can't wait to check out the next book in the series. 

Quotes That I Loved 

"The butcher had a break-in last week. Didn't you hear?"
"The butcher, the baker....any news on the candlestick maker?" 

"Well, don't expect me to trade orgasms for protection." 

And smelled like a mix of cookies and pumpkin spice. He wanted to eat her right the fuck up, starting between her legs. 

She lifted a biscuit from the platter, one of his mother's favorites from what he remembered, and she started toward him, "Here. Taste yourself." 


Slade (Anchor Me #5) by Lisa Carlisle


Slade is Caitlin best friend in the Marines. She doesn't know what to do in Okinawa without him. Yet Slade doesn't know that she is in love with him. He can't know because it would ruin their friendship. Slade hates the way the men treats Caitlyn and it drives him mad. He proposed a temporary situation by proposing. It's a marriage in name only, which is the only way he will be able to convince her. Problem is Slade is in love with her. She means everything to him. Slade by Lisa Carlisle was published in November 2020. This is book five of the Anchor Me series. 

This book had me getting all different feels throughout it. I was sad to see that Caitlin dwelt with sexual attack and the man who did it was still at the same base as her. But also felt like the two of them were so stupid in not seeing that they were in love with each other. I loved this plot so much and it made me really excited when they finally admitted that they were in love. The book did have some slow parts and I felt like Caitlin was well rounded but really wanted to know more about Slade. What made him so protective of the women on base. Has he had someone close to him go through sexual attack. I would love have loved more backstory to him. But it's an amazing book and I recommend checking it out. 

Quotes that I loved 

"This isn't about romance, O'Neill." He gestured in a circular motion. "It's about being practical." 

"Come on, you big, bad Marine. I'll protect you from all the teeny prehistoric monsters on the treacherous walk to the chow hall." 

"I don't want that to happen with you. I can't imagine my life without you in it." 

"Get off of my wife!" He lunged for Davis, yanking him off her. 

Anchor Me Series
3. Matty
4. Jack
5. Slade
6. Mark
7. Leo 


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Jack (Anchor Me #4) by Lisa Carlisle


Vivi last deployment left her wounded, ending her military career. Now she is a college student in Boston and volunteer at a nearby cat shelter. She spends more time with the cats then the real world. Until a fundraiser when she runs into a man that she chould never have. She looked to escape. As she was no longer the same person he remembers. No longer whole. Jack is reentry into the civilian world presents a whole new challenges. Like what does he do next? When his mom and sister drag him to gala raising money for cats, he sees a woman he has not forgotten. They met in Okinawa and he has always been thinking about her. Jack by Lisa Carlisle was published in August 2020. This is book four of the Anchor Me series and book two in Recalled to Love series. 

I really enjoyed the other three books in this series so I was kind of surprised that this one did not feel the same way. I felt like this one was dragging and sometimes felt that Jack was annoying. This book does not have much of any smut. The plot has a good base but I felt like I was bored a lot throughout the book. I could not get a good feel on Jack or even Vivi. They both felt flat and seemed like so much a like to each other. I had to dig deep to see why there was feelings on both sides for each other. I just could not picture it. 
Quotes that I Loved 

"But I'm not under your watch." She raised her brows. He leaned closer to her. "Oh yes, you are, Vivi." His tone dropped to a rich, sensual tone. "In case you haven't noticed, I've been watching you all night." 

He noted, "Ah, we avoided a cat-astrophy." 

"I'll wait out here." He gave her a devastating grin that made her mind fuzzy again. "I don't think he'll want to see me until my Jolly Roger lowers its sails." 

Anchor Me Series
4. Jack
6. Mark
7. Leo 


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Sinful Vows (Astoria Royals #1) by Deborah Garland


The only way I can escape one ruthless to marry even more ruthless. The wrinkle is not the mob don I've never met, but the dangerously handsome man who comes to collect me. The man I spent a night with years ago. The mysterious stranger I never truly knew, but never forgot. The man who fathered my child. Sinful Vows by Deborah Garland was published in February 2023. This is book one of the Astoria Royals. 

This was the strangest most confusing book that I have ever read. The characters in this book have so much back history that you never get to know. But yet really needs to know about and this is the first book in the series. The characters because of the lack of back story fell really flat. I really could not get into this story with the weird turns it took. Also how it bounced around did not help it's plot line. There were good parts of the book and that was mostly the smut parts. Those were spicy but the plot had a lot I felt was missing from it. I don't recommend this book. 

Quotes that I Love 

In his other hand, leading him into the living room, is Sadie. My daughter. His daughter...

Life is short. Grab it by the balls. And marry the fucking woman you want. 

Astoria Royals Series in Order
3. Sleeping with the Enemy
4. Deal with the Devil 


Revved (Revved #1) by Samantha Towle


Race car mechanic Andressa "Andi" has one rule - no dating drivers. With a good reason behind the rule, she has no plans on breaking it. Carrick Ryan is the bad boy of Formula One. With a face and body that melts panties on sight, and an Irish lilt that leaves women on their knees, begging for more. He races hard and parties harder. The youngest driver to ever sign with F1, he's still at the top of his game five years later, breaking hearts on and off the tracks. When Andi is offered her dream job working in the glamorous world of F1, she leaves her home in Brazil, positive she can handle working of Carrick. But she's not prepared for the off-the-chart sparks that fly the moment they meet. Revved by Samantha Towle was published in March 2015. This is the first book of the Revved series. 

This book is had my emotions going on roller coaster. I really felt bad for Andi after she watched her dad die in a car wreck. But, this book I felt like some of the characters were lacking in area. I really like how we get a lot of back story of Andi throughout the book. I love how she wanted a connection to her dad who died when she was young. But somehow she felt off I felt like she was trying too much to be this character. Carrick, I really loved some of his antics but we didn't really get to know much about him. I think that is why I found it hard to see that two main characters fall in love. I needed more from both of them. Then the book would speed up so far I felt like it was missing scenes that could have been there. Then there were times where I felt like it was dragging and it could have missed some scenes. There are some really good scenes that you will fall in love with the characters. But this book was no one of my favorites. 

Favorite Quotes 

Grinning, he gives me a look straight from the sex devil. "Aw, Andressa, baby, if you give me some...I'll make it worth your while. It can be our little secret. I won't tell anyone. I promise." 
"How do you manage to make a conversation about bacon sound dirty?" 

"It doesn't matter." 
"When it comes to you, everything matters." 

"Tell me to fuck you, Andressa." 

"You want to fuck me? Or you want to be with me? Because I can't do one without the other. I can't keep fucking you and then losing you, Andressa. I need you. All of you." 
