Thursday, January 18, 2024

A Tangle of Serpents (Serpent's Nest #1) by Alice Blackmoor


All Elizabeth wanted was to enjoy her kid-free nights with a few drinks and some quality people-watching at her favorite restaurant bars. But then she meets Damien Marchetti, and fate seems determined to push her firmly into the middle of his dark and dangerous world. As her personal and professional lives continue to collide, making her a person of interest to not one but two criminal organizations, will she be able to escape back to her normal, everyday life? Or will she be forever entangled with the serpents that rule in the dark? A Tangle of Serpents by Alice Blackmoor will be published February 27th, 2024. This is the first book of the Serpent's Nest series. 

I was given this advance copy for my honest review of this book. So....I am going to try to give my best review without any spoilers because this book brought on so many emotions. Also since I literally just threw my kindle across the room because of this book it brought on many many emotions until the very last page. Also I believe this is the first book that Alice Blackmoor has written and can I just be frank with you author. You need to be writing a lot more books because this book was AMAZING. So this book has three main characters of such but only two in the love story portions at least in this book (there's hint of things happening in the future at least I am hoping). I absolutely loved this book. Just don't talk to my two friends who heard some cuss words from the end of the book. 
But first let's talk about the characters. Elizabeth has such a wide arrange personality. When you meet Elizabeth she is at a bar currently faced with her ex-husband wanting their son to meet his current/mistress. She is not only trying to figure out her life from that but also people-watching (my FAVORITE HOBBY). When a guy approaches her from the bar and then Elizabeth life changes from then on. When her people-watching hobby gets her in a lot of trouble. Anyway, she's like an introvert/ tough chick. She is so well rounded and I want to be her friend. Then you have Vince, the best friend to the main guy. Vince is like a puppy with his personality and has a nasty bite. But he is more then what he shows and you pick it up that he could have some feelings that he doesn't show. Anyways, author portrays him so well in the way his looks are described but his many different personalities being shown till the end of the book (still not happy about). Then you got the main guy, Damien. Holy hotness on a cracker. He is the mafia guy that you know has a soft side and also a very dark side. He is super protective which of course drives Elizabeth nuts in the book. Also trying to avoid his feelings for the girl. But, he's got so much going on with his personality and you see it all. Especially when you are inside his head which is throughout the book. Readers can see that he fell first before he even realizes it. Characters are amazing and well rounded. I could totally picture all three and will be looking for them when I go out. 
The plot in this book is absolutely amazing. There are so many foreshadows throughout the book and yet not ALL MY QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED in this book. Which is why I believe there is a second book. The author hides things throughout the book and you have to be observant from the get go kind of like how Elizabeth is. Find the pieces in the middle of the lines. I absolutely loved how they didn't just fall in love in this book. I loved how their weird friendship grows and grows till someone just falls. This book has action though, I still think one of the scene there could be more that is happening. Also loved how there were pieces of other famous lines from other books that I know. Harry Potter....and Princess Bride...yes please, are just a few. The ending.......I can't talk much but it came out of no where and you are left with questioning on why you read the book. If you do not like cliffhangers (like myself) you might want to wait till book 2 comes out. But I can't wait to read it when it does. If Alice Blackmoor is reading this amazing review...please message me to read book 2 like ASAP...I need the details. I highly recommend this book no matter if I threw my kindle to the ground at the end. 

Quotes That I Loved 

"Whichever guy has you so frustrated that you're giggling to yourself, Harley Quinn style." 

"You're certainly tougher than I expected. But I wonder, pet, can you truly be considered capable when you blatantly ignore the instincts telling you to run in the face of a predator?" 

"You're not the first predator I've met, and frankly, I'm sick of living my life at the whims of men who do whatever they please. So, sorry, serpent, but this mouse just doesn't give a fuck right now." 

"Are you regretting learning what I really am now that you've seen the monster in action, pet?.....Do you fear me now? The way all those other people in that restaurant fear me?" 

Get a grip, Elizabeth. This man is actively trying to convince you that he could snap your neck on a whim, and you're sitting here fantasizing about how he'd taste.

"What is going on in that brain of yours?"
"I'm thinking that if you don't kiss me soon, I may very well explode from the tension."
"What if it's not the tension that makes you explode?"
"If only we could be so lucky." 

"God damnit, Elizabeth. You're so wet for me, pet. Have you been craving me as much as I have you? Hmmm?"

"Oh pet.....I love the sounds of my name on your lips. I want to hear you scream it when you come."

"As you wish." 

Serpent's Nest Series 
1. A Tangle of Serpents (February 27th, 2024)  
2. Drowning in Venom (TBA)


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