Friday, January 26, 2024

Stranger Session by Lauren Biel


In the heart of a blind-date photo shoot, my obsession for her ignites. After we part ways, her image carves a path through my thoughts, leading me to dark places. Disguised by a mask, I cater to her every desire as I play the part of a stranger, but the secrets I harbor threaten to shatter the illicit passion we've found. Then she catches the eye of someone else, casting a sinister veil over our connection. I morph into her protector, even though it means she might end up hating me in the end. Are we destined to remain strangers, or can we turn into something picture-perfect? Stranger Session by Lauren Biel will be published January 31st, 2024. 

This book threw me on my back in shock through the whole story. The characters in this book are unique in their personalities. I didn't see much personalities from the main female as much as the male. But you get very little backstory for either characters which I think if the book was a novel, it would have been easier to trickle more backstory. So the characters I feel fell flat. I felt like the main female character could have fallen in love with either male. The plot in this story is a lot of smut type scenes and not much plot. It was instant falling in love in the beginning of the story. Then it got darker and darker through out the book. There was a scene I was gagging a lot. But that's because it deals with lotion (I despise the feel of lotion). Some of the parts where it's suppose to surprise the reader really didn't surprise me. I needed more wow factor in this story some where. If you want some good dark smut, check out this quick read. 
Quotes That I Liked

ItsVenti: You want to be scared? 
Whorista: I think I do.
ItsVenti: How scared? Like, chased through the woods kind of scared?

"Run, little whore!....Run! Because when I catch you, I'm going to fuck you!" 

"Are you scared yet? Afraid of what I'll do to your pussy once I catch you?...I'm going to rip you limb from limb with my cock. Tear your legs apart and take you!" 


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