Monday, September 18, 2023

Mile High (Windy City #1) by Liz Tomforde


Zanders: Chicago hockey isn't complete without me - everyone's favorite player to hate. I know my role, and I play it well. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy spending the majority of my game time in the penalty box before leaving the arena with a new girl on my arm each night. What I don't like is the new flight attendant on our team's private plane. She works for me, not the other way around. But I'll be sure to remind her of that, and I can guarantee, by the end of the season, she'll be begging to quit her job. But every road trip blurs the lines, and I can't quite figure out if I keep pushing that flight attendant call button in order to push her buttons or if it's more than that. Mile High by Liz Tomforde was published in June 2022. This is book one of the Windy City series. 

Yep, another book that is popular to see on the booktok front. I have always enjoyed some hockey romance books so I thought heck why not check out this one. So, let's first talk about the main characters. Zanders will not disappoint you at all. He is described as a hunk of meat that is also a huge player. He will make you frustrated by his silly antics but also will see a sweet side come out to try to swoon the girl. He also has a lot of background that you learn throughout the book that made him the way he is. Stevie is so sweet and also has a hard time growing up. She couldn't ever measure up to her brother who is an athlete. Especially when he is her twin. But also how her mom looks down on her made me want to climb into the book and slap her mom for some of the things she said to her. I love Stevie's personality and how it was not only one thing that made her the way she was. How she loves animals and wants to be who she wants to be. Both of the main characters are not at all flat and they are people you really want to get to know. The plot in this book is amazing. It was not instantly fall in love for either of them but started off as lust to hate. It made me giggle a lot with Zanders antics. I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend checking it out. 

Quotes That I Loved 

"Stevie.......You Following me?" 

"Why the hell do you keep calling me 'sweetheart?" 
"You don't get it?"
"Get what?"
"My nickname for you. It's ironic. I'm not sure you have a sweet bone in your body, sweetheart." 

"If I can't stand you........then why has my only thought of every minute of every day for the last week been me wondering what it would feel like to fuck you?" 

"What made you change your mind?"
"My vibrator died, and I didn't pack my charger with me." 

"Good, open your throat." 

"This is all mine tonight....and I'm not going to let you talk shit about what's mine. So, I'm going to need you to stop, or we aren't doing this." 

"I'm going to fucking destory your body tonight and hopefully some of those insecurities that don't make any goddamn sense right along with it." 

"I don't see you the way you see yourself. I think you're good, and sweet, and hilarious, and fucking stunning, Vee. And I just want a chance.....You want to be choosen first? Well, so do I. So, choose me." 

Windy City Series in Order
1. Mile High
4. Play Along (TBR June 2024) 


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