Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Where's Molly by H.D. Carlton


Cover Page by H.D. Carlton 

In my dreams, I never escaped the Oregon woods. Life after death isn't easy to accept, especially when I still feel like a ghost. Now, I live deep in the mountains of Montana - the paradigm of beauty. But they are also the home of horrors. Horrors that I only unleash at night. When my pigs are allowed to feast. Where's Molly by H.D. Carlton was published February 2024. This book is a spin-off from Haunting Adeline and Hunting Adeline

When I heard H.D. Carlton was writing another book in the same time and realm of Haunting Adeline I knew I was going to stop all books I was reading when it came out. I absolutely loved her other books and knew that this book was going to knock me off my feet. But, like her other books make sure that you read the trigger warnings because she doesn't go easy on her characters. Now, we hear about Molly in the other book (hence why you need to read those books first) and you hear what horrors Molly went through in the previous book. But you don't know the why or how she was placed in the same house. In this book you hear the backstory and I loved how H.D. Carlton was using the history through out the whole story. She wrote it in a way where it only added to what was happening to Molly and Cage. Though, I wish I knew more of Cage history but you do get glimpse of his history as well. I felt like the two characters were well rounded. You see some light humor in the way they treated each other but also see how their history shaped them in who they are. I didn't feel a lot of connection between the two characters as much as I am used to in romance books. But I didn't feel like it was lacking when I read it. I think because both characters had a lot of traumatic past I felt like they would be holding back. The plot in this story is great. It's not as intense as Haunting Adeline and Hunting Adeline but it did have seems where you are questioning yourself. The smut scenes in this book are amazing and intense but don't take away from the story just adds to it. Also I absolutely loved Cage's mom and I would only hope I would be half as a good mom as she is to her son. I can't wait to read more books by H.D. Carlton and I hope she writes books for a long time coming. 

Quotes That I Liked 

"That's also new. You gonna use that on me, little ghost? I don't mind joining you in the afterlife."

"Come on, little ghost. Let's go stuff that pretty little mouth." 

"You know, your pets would tear you apart in seconds with all that nervous energy."
"Then it's so fortunate for me that I know how to defend myself."
"You must be frightening."
"I am."
"Then show me, my little ghost." 

"Jesus Christ....Sit on my fucking face, Molly." 

"That's a good girl." 


Monday, February 19, 2024

The Wallflower (Oakmount Elite #1) by J.L. Beck


She needs me, because she needs money. I don't need her. Just her complete submission...Maybell Jacobs is the Wallflower: quiet, shy, socially awkward and hell-bent on hiding even from herself, that is until a chance encounter takes place between us. Instantly she hates me and for good reason. I'm a walking-red-flag. Filthy rich jock, short tempered, and violent. I can have anyone and anything I want...except her. Little does she know her disgust, anger, and hate for me fuels my obsession to own her, completely in every single way. The Wallflower by J.L. Beck was published February 2024. This is the first book in the Oakmount Elite series. 

I am a huge fan of dark romances and this one is one of those that is most likely on level with Haunting Adeline. I absolutely loved the two main characters in this book. While in the beginning I had a hard time connecting to Drew. But I fell in love with Maybell. She reminds me a lot like me in personality. I am a huge introvert myself though my sass does come out with those who are close to me. The two characters, I could totally see a relationship forming in the way that neither could stay away from the each other. But we don't see a full form relationship out of having sex in this book. I do hope that the next book shows more of the relationship. I saw the ending going in two different ways and was trying to put pieces together. Though I had a feeling that the ending was going to go similar to my thoughts (it did). I really enjoyed the plot in this story, there was some slow parts but the slow parts led into the action scenes and fast pace scenes really well. It had great ebb and flow and personality. I can't wait to read the next book in the series. Also the smut scenes were top notch. 

Quotes That I Liked 

"You all know what I want. But this time, I want to be fucking real. None of this pretends not to want it while her cunt is sopping wet bullshit. I want to see the whites of her eyes. If she fights, fine, but I want to be out of fear, not pretense."

"Come here, my little wallflower. I want to get a better look at you." 

The chase is exhilarating, but capturing your prey between your bar teeth while they beg for you to release them? That's the part that gets me every time. 

"There are a lot of things I want from you, flower, but right now...I want you to scream for me because of me. I want you gasping for breath. I want you crying, your eyes shimmering with tears. I want you running, doing everything you can to escape me, while knowing deep down inside you'll never get away. I want all of it. So I'll give you one more chance to get away." 

Oakmount Elite Series 
1. The Wallflower 
2. The Wildflower (TBD April 12, 2024)


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Find Me in the Rain (Nighthawks #1) by Pru Schuyler


Book Cover by Pru Schuyler

Laura Young is caught in a storm. After a tragic accident leaves her mom in a coma, she focuses on the happiness in her life-her two best friends and her five year old son. What Laura needs is some good luck. What she gets is the captain of the New York Nighthawks, Alec Kostelecky - a ghost from her past. With captivating hazel eyes, and a body that showcases his dedication on the ice, Alec is every girl's dream. He is passionate, and when he wants something, he goes after it. When a chance encounter brings Laura and him together again, Alec refuses to let her slip through his grasp, like she did years ago. Find Me in the Rain by Pru Schuyler was published in March 2022. This is the first book in the Nighhawks series. 

I read this book awhile back and really into hockey romances. Not sure why the hockey romances caught my eye for awhile but they did. Funny, part is I don't know the rules in hockey. Anyways, you don't need to know the rules to understand what is happening in this book. Not much of the book is actually involved with the hockey part. This is one of those second chances and a kid is involved. I absolutely enjoyed this book. I love the backstory came out through the book that the reader is in the know before the two main characters. Also love that Alec was so in love with this chick from his past. Though, I think that Laura kind of let him win her back really quick in this book. Man, if a guy I was into gave me up and didn't come looking. Not only that but I was raising his child I would be pissed. I wouldn't except his grovel and the way he treated her. There are parts in the book that I wasn't too thrilled about but I was able to over look them. Though, be warned a lot of people do dnf this book. It was an easy read and I recommend checking it out if you like sports romance. 

Quotes That I Loved 

"You love me, even in the rain?"
"Even in the storm." 

"Who are you?"
"My name's Alec."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Jack. How do you know my mom?"
"Your mom?.....Lu......Lu, is that our...is that our son?"

"Good girl."

"Mmm. My dick is craving you so bad, Lu. I want to fuck you until you can't take it, until you're panting, until you come so hard that you can't see straight. And trust me, I will...." 

"Will you be a good girl and let me come in your mouth?" 

Nighthawks Series
1. Find Me in the Rain
2. Find Me on the Ice


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Her Steadfast Protector (Red Mark Rescue & Protect #3) by Aleesa Kelley

Picture By Author 

Morgan Blackwell can't stop looking over her shoulder. With her parents murdered and her little sister missing, the nineteen-year-old desperately tries to shake her pursuers and decipher her mom's frantic farewell message. And after a Navy SEAL about to deploy to Afghanistan vows to help her take refuge, her heart breaks anew when she tells her dark-haired savior goodbye. Her Steadfast Protector (Red Mark Rescue & Protect #3) by Alessa Kelly will published February 14th, 2024. This will be the third book in the Red Mark Rescue & Protect series. 

I received this advance copy of this book for my honest review. I have not read book one or two in this series so my review is solely based on this book. The characters in this book are amazing. I felt like Morgan had so much depth throughout this story. Her love of wolves really effected everything she did and acted in the book. At so many parts I was waiting for the author to say the issue was that her parents linked her DNA with wolves. Because her mannerisms were described like they would a wolf. Also animals tend to love Morgan throughout the book. I felt like Tyler was a little more flat and didn't see much personality outside of his SEAL personality. I wanted more personality from Tyler in the book. The plot in this book flowed really well though I stumbled realizing we jumped from the first time they met to her coming to him. But it didn't take away from the book. The dialogue in this book was a little rusty in places and felt like it was forced rather then flowed. But, I was able to overlook it. I highly recommend checking this unique military romance out. 

Quotes That I Loved

"Morgan, come on. You've got me, isn't that enough?"

"I just can't believe a beautiful woman like you hasn't caught the attention of another, well, I'd say suitor, but in your case, I guess ---another protector? How did you go on by yourself?"

"I only want to do this with you."
"I've got you." 

Red Mark Rescue & Protect Series
1. Her Unbreakable Protector 
2. Her Devoted Protector 
3. Her Steadfast Protector 
4. Montanta's Bravest 


Sunday, February 11, 2024

Never Fall for Your Brother's Best Friend (Sweet Spring Kisses) by Abby Greyson


I'm not in love with Mason Sanderson anymore, so I keep telling myself. It doesn't matter that he's the face of every hero in any romance novel I've ever read. My new next-door neighbor is not the man of my dreams. The flutter and butterflies when I see him around don't mean anything. As his best friend's little sister, I'm the perfect choice when he needs a date for his former team's fundraising event. No drama, no expectations - off limits. Then his ex shows up. I've waited a lifetime for him to ask me out, but it's not real. I'm in the friend zone. Anyone know how to keep a heart intact when heartbreak is inevitable? Never Fall for Your Brother's Best Friend by Abby Greyson was published February 2024. 

I was asked to review this story for my honest review. I absolutely adored this light hearted story. The chemistry for the two characters were there. I love how Mason started to be jealous when Emily started to give his teammates some attention. I love how Emily was fighting with herself knowing she still had a crush on Mason. The two characters personalities are a little flat compare to other books I have read. I wanted more background about both characters. I wanted to see how their friendship has grown over the years. Do they have secret jokes that send them laughing. I love the nickname that Mason has for Emily. The love between them though was cute and could see it forming through the book. There is no spice involved in this book as much. But there is room if the author wanted to put in there. But it's a sweet book and I recommend this quick read. 

Quotes That I Loved 

See you around, 'happily ever after' girl." 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

A Long Time Coming (Cane Brothers #3) by Meghan Quinn


A witty take on a romantic comedy classic, My Best Friend's Wedding. Steamy, laugh-out-loud, and full of charm, these two best friends heat up the pages while proving true love might be right in front of you. Have you ever heard of a man-in-waiting? Yeah, neither has my best friend's soon-to-be monster-in-law. Ooo, sorry, I meant mother-in-law. Nor has she heard of the term, what the bride wants, the bride gets. With wedding planning underway and short timeline, my best friend, Lia, has recruited me to help her battle the snarly beast that is Mrs. Beaver. Not scared at all, I accept the challenge as her man-in-waiting--aka, man of honor--and take matters into my own hands. The only problem is, but now...I find myself staring a touch too long. My hand lingering for one more minute. And when she's upset? Allowing her to sleep in my bed. And before I know what's happening, it hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm in love with my best friend. Not just in love, but infatuated. A Long Time Coming by Meghan Quinn was published in January 2023. This is book three of Cane Brother series. This book was nominated for Goodreads Choice award for Best Romance in 2023. 

I read this book awhile ago so bare with me. I cracked up laughing through this whole book. So far I haven't found a book by Meghan Quinn that hasn't given me a case of laughter. I loved Breaker in the other books but often found him shy compare to the other two brothers. But in this book he really shined and I learned a lot about him and more about his family. I loved that this was a best friend romance and could see how the relationship between Breaker and Lia was already formed when the book started. They already had secret jokes and could know when the other was having a rough day. But I could totally see where this book was leading when Lia was already questioning her wedding to her fiancé. Both characters were so well rounded and I loved that you were able to see the whole story through both of their eyes. As a lot of what was happening was in their heads and yet they were saying different things. The dialogue in this book was the right fit, it wasn't too much and wasn't too little. It had the right flow that helped break up descriptions and when the characters were in their heads. The humor in this book was spot on. This book showed how their relationship changed and grew into falling in love. I absolutely loved this book and highly recommend all of the Cane Brothers series. 

Cane Brothers Series
3. A Long Time Coming 
Quotes That I Loved 

"Your mustache is offensive. I'm pretty sure it would make even the most randy of women go dry." 
"You know, I've never had a girl tell me that I possess the uncanny ability to dehydrate the nether regions of the female race with just my facial hair." 

"He doesn't deserve her. He's not good enough." 

"You're in love with your best friend, and you just finally realized it." 
"Jesus fucking Christ....Fuck, I think I like her."
"Nah, man. You love her. End of discussion." 

"Fuck, if you were my fiancee, my wife, I'd never let you leave the bedroom. Your voice would be hoarse from every fucking orgasm I gave you." 

"I want my girl to be desperate, needy, and begging for me, so when she does take me in her mouth, she worships it. Just like I would worship her aching pussy." 

"Your pussy deserves to be tongued, consumed, and fucked so hard that you can't walk the next day." 
"What if he doesn't want to fuck me?"
"Then he's not the man for you because, Lia...you deserve to be fucked. Just like you deserve to be worshipped. Hard." 

"I love you too much to be happy to love you less."


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Act Three: A Reverse Harem Romance by Becca Watts


This movie is my big break. So why does it feel like the biggest mistake I've ever made? The idea of being an extra sounded like free food, hanging out with my friend, and seeing ourselves in a movie. And not just any movie, but a Hollywood blockbuster starring three of my favorite Dean, the ripped playboy with a chiseled jaw and star charisma, who shot to stardom from a small town like mine; Isaac, the serious theater actor with dark eyes and darker past; and Wyatt, the fair-haired comedian from a showbiz family, who longs to be taken seriously. After the lead actress gets fired, the director needs someone to replace her, fast. I know all her lines, but there's just one I have no idea what I'm doing. The guys band together to teach me everything they comedic timing, delving into the emotional background of my character, and steamy love scenes that bleed out of the script and into our real lives. Despite my best efforts, the fired actress is doing her best to sabotage this movie. And it's not just my reputation at stake - it's their careers, too. Act Three: A Reverse Harem Romance by Becca Watts will be published on February 10th, 2024. 

I received this book for my honest review. I absolutely loved the characters in this book. Each one has their own personalities. While I loved their personalities, I thought that all the guys and the female main character needed more deeper drive. I felt like it was lacking for them. Also didn't see much of a relationship starting between the men. Not even really a friendship. So it was hard to see how they could just be okay with all sharing her. But this book flowed really well and the plot was well thought out really well. I loved the sweet love story between Kyla and each of the men. The smut was tamed more then other reverse harem books I have read in the past. But it didn't take away from the rest of the book. Though, it would be great for the ending to not jump so much and I didn't think her leg being amputee really added anything to the story. I recommend checking this book out. 

Quotes That I Loved 
"If you two ever decide to retire as actors, you could make great money doing this..."
"What?.....Having sex? Or having sex with an audience?"
"Yep....All the above." 

"Let's see how wet you are." 


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Pucking My Best Friend's Brother by Livvy Stone


The world yearns for my billionaire's riches...But I'd trade it all for my first love, my sister's best friend. Years ago, Emma Mattews fled her toxic father. She came back to make a living from her family-owned skating rink. She didn't know her father sold it to the hockey team. I didn't know she'd returned with dark secrets and scars...Her beauty made my every nerve tingle with familiar desire. Her very scent ignited an unquenchable fire. All I saw was a second chance with the woman I love. All she saw was the man she resented for ghosting her. Pucking My Best Friend's Brother by Livvy Stone will be published in February 7th, 2024. 

I received this book for my honest review. That being said I am going to give it my best to review. Also let you know that I did dnf the book at 50%. I could not get into this book at all. I felt like it was lacking in a lot of places and could not enjoy the book. I kept giving it a try over and over again but I felt not connection with the characters, plot, or dialogue. The idea of the book is based off is a good one and I have enjoyed similar books on it. But I had to dnf it because the dialogue was not well written at all. I felt like I was reading more description when it was actually dialogue. It needs to be more edited so that the dialogue follows rules of dialogue. Either the characters were talking too much or the characters were not talking enough. But it was hard to figure out what was dialogue and what was not. Also did not see any passion for the characters have for each other. Both of the characters were flat and they had no chemistry to each other. Also it was written that the community of the small town hated Emma but yet you saw none of that in the book. You saw some hatred from Emma friend for past mistakes but nothing from her. Also it said that she hated her father and yet didn't see any of the hate. This book needs to go back to editing for some rework. But do not take my word for it and check it out. 
"I want you naked and under me."

"Fine, have it your way. But you'll be missing out on the Zane experience."
"I already had that experience, remember? Not interested in being disappointed as an adult."

"Drake.....I want your face buried in my pussy, now."

"Do you feel how wet you made me?"
"It's like a slip and slide." 

"Good girl, that feels amazing." 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Handling Hope (The Baker Legacy #1) by Beth Sorensen


Billionaire Hope Baker is the ultimate girl boss and entrepreneur. Mentored by her father to be the successor to the Baker Legacy, she's juggling the responsibility of running her uncle's brewery while building a commercial real estate empire. At twenty-two, her philosophy is simple: never apologize and never explain yourself. Grayson Mayne is a former SEAL and the newest assistant brew master at The Baker's Dozen Brewing Company. At work, he's a team player and proves himself an assets to the company. After hours, he likes his women quiet, submissive, and disposable. When he encounters the young heiress, he finds himself wanting something more. However, Grayson quickly learns you can't hold on to Hope. You have to handle her very carefully. Handling Hope by Beth Sorenson will be published on February 6th, 2024. This is the first book in The Baker's Legacy series. 

I received this advanced copy for my honest review. I had so much hope for this book when I read the back of the book. Also loved the cover of this book and it caught my eye. Anyways, I felt like Hope had so much potential to be an amazing character. I needed more from her in all points of her personality. I felt like she was lacking. But I also felt like Grayson was also lacking. I didn't find him being over all dominate person like it said he was going to. I feel like if Hope is such a strong driven person she would fight some of his domination a lot more then what happened. But also did not really see a lot of his SEAL personality at play either. He was not as alpha as it felt like he should have been. The idea around this story is great but I felt like the plot in this story didn't live up to it. There were parts where I felt like the descriptions and in the character head (Hope's) was way too long. I needed more dialogue. I needed to see how their relationship progressed and I didn't get that. Also there needs to be some more editing that needs to be done. I did really like the idea of the book and actually finished reading this book. But it needs some work to be the best it can be. If you want to check out this book for yourself as all above doesn't bother you. I would check it out. There are some amazing quotes through the book. 

Quotes That I Loved 

These were men, not boys. These were the kind of guys I should date. 

"I was trying to decide if I could order a psych evaluation on you because of your actions in my my courtroom. I thought a sane person would be smart enough to act appropriately. However, it appears you aren't crazy enough to warrant an evaluation. It turns out, you're just behaving like an ass." 

"You are so loved by so many people. Do not scare me like that again. Okay?" 

"I just have a problem resisting those lips of yours. Especially when you're all riled up and your face is flushed. I imagine it's what you're going to look like when you're under me, naked, in our bed." 

"I really want to rip that bikini off of you, right here, right now, and fuck you on this beach." 

"Now, there's a good girl." 

The Baker Legacy series 
1. Handling Hope 


Thursday, February 1, 2024

Butcher and Blackbird (The Ruinous Love Trilogy #1) by Brynne Weaver


Every serial killer needs a friend. Every game must have a winner. When a chance encounter sparks an unlikely bond between rival murderers Sloane and Rowan, the two find something elusive - the friendship of a like-minded, pitch-black soul. From small town West Virginia to upscale California, from downtown Boston to rural Texas, the two hunters collide in an annual game of blood and suffering, one that pits them against the most dangerous monsters in the country. But as their friendship develops into something more, the restless ghosts left in their wake are only a few steps behind, ready to claim more than just their newfound love. Can Rowan and Sloane dig themselves out of a game of graves? Or have they finally met their match? Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver was published in August 2023. This book one of The Ruinous Love Trilogy. 

This book has been on TBR for awhile and I am so glad that I finally had a chance to read it. This book had my mind going and going trying to fit all that is happening together. But I absolutely loved the two main characters in Sloane and Rowan. I loved their personalities and how different they were to each other. Sloane is bitter about life because of what she experienced in the past (though we don't get to find out everything she went through). Also I wished I knew more of Rowen's past but I love how we get snippets and it's enough to learn about the two characters here and there. Anyways, Rowan is this nasty serial killer but yet the way he treats Sloane in this book he is all gooey in the middle. He absolutely treats her like a princess. Both of these characters are pretty rounded character. They are not all bad people and their not all good people. I love the dialogue between the two characters. Their witty comebacks make made chuckle so much out loud. But also you can see how they keep hinting that their friendship is evolving into something more. The plot in this book is so perfect. There was small slow parts as it builds up to the next action scene. The author gives just enough of the scenes when Rowen and Sloane are doing their activities that it doesn't totally gross out the reader. I absolutely loved this book and I can't wait to read more from this author. I highly recommend this book, but please check the trigger warnings for it. 

Quotes That I Loved 

"I'm bummed."
"Bummed why, because he didn't kill me first? Harsh, Blackbird, I'm wounded." 

"I didn't gouge them out, Butcher. I plucked them. Delicately. Like a lady." 

"Keep her fucking name out of your mouth..." 

"Just download the app like a normal person and read it on your phone, weirdo."
"Rock-paper-scissors for it."
"No way."
"Come on, Blackbird. I need some dragonman DP." 

"That woman you were watching...?....She is mine." 

"Boobs plus murder don't equal a relationship, Lark. That math ain't mathin'." 

"I can't lose you."
"Then you'd better kiss me." 

"Something caught your eye, pretty boy?" 

The Ruinous Love Trilogy 
1. Butcher and Blackbird 
2. Leather and Lark (TBA June 2024) 
3. Scythe and Sparrow (TBA January 2025) 
