Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Fatal Cure (Secrets and the City #2) by Kathy Lockheart


Hunting the enemy is dangerous. Falling for him is deadly. An aspiring DEA agent has one goal in life: to dismantle the drug organizations that destroyed her family. A drug kingpin has two rules that keep him alive: never get caught and never fall in love. Too bad for him, she's about to break them both. Fatal Cure by Kathy Lockheart was published in March 2022. This is the second book of Secrets and the City series. 

BookTok did it again and had me go searching for this book to find out if it's as good as the videos have portrayed it. I have to say as I first started to read this book I was like who the heck is Dillon and does he know who she is. Was this his master plan to kill her. This book has some slow and some confusing parts that were easy to overlook when you got to the steamy parts in this book. When I mean steam I mean it is so steamy that you are not quite sure if you are just picturing the scene before you or are you actually reading about it. Each steamy scene were different then each other. Though, I felt like their relationship I felt was rushed and there was not much personality there. But it was a great story and I really enjoyed the plot line. 

Quotes that I Loved 

"It's already too late. I don't care about your apologies or if you're trying to get clean for the zillionth time. I give up on you, Dad," I declared. "I finally don't give a crap why you picked up the drugs because you know what? It doesn't matter. It took me a while to figure out that I don't care." 

"I'm not your girlfriend." "If you think I'm gonna let this slide, you clearly don't know me very well." 

"Says the guy who won't get medical attention for a gunshot wound." 

Chances (Mystic Nights #1) by M.J. Nightingale


Mystic Nights Casino is the newest gambling hot spot to hit Lantern Hill, and Tawny Sassacus runs it. For her people, the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation, she is determined to make it a success despite trouble with politicians, and a rival tribal nation. With the help of her children, she is determined to fight for what is right. A Vice-Chair of Mystic Nights, Jonathan Sassacus doesn't have time to chase women. He only likes a sure bet. When he crosses paths with the new dancer, things change. Tall, with legs that won't quit, she's a distraction he doesn't need, but can't resist. Chances by M.J Nightingale was published in December 2015. This is the first book of Mystic Nights series. 

This book was really slow in the beginning. It was hard to get into as a lot of back info happened all at once in the beginning of the book. But once I got half-way through it picked up rather quickly and I started to fall in love with the two main characters. Though I wish that the back info was spread out and talked about more from the characters then all of the info at once. I did love Jonathan and the things he did throughout the book. Though wanted to knock him out with how he treated her towards the ending. I highly recommend checking this book out. 

Mystic Nights Books in Order 
3. Lucky Strike 
4. Black Jack
5. Playing for Keeps
6. Betting on Benny
7. Gambling on a Seal 


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Distance (Beneath the Mask #1) by Luna Mason


Keller from a poor, underground street fighter, I rose to fame as the world heavyweight boxing champion. No one knew I was also a monster who hunted in the shadows. Trapped in the mafia until my debts were paid. A simple deal held my freedom - unify my belts. It seemed simple until an enchanting British firecracker landed on my lap, knocking me sideways. Distance by Luna Mason was published in March 2023. This is book one in the Beneath the Mask series. 

So this book has been circling Instagram reels for awhile and I am sure it's happening on TikTok as well. Especially have seen quotes that pulled me into the book more then once. So I finally needed a break from the series I am working through and decided to check this book out. More really this book was starting to make me so engrossed that it moved up in my tbr pile and was not going to go away. So I needed to check this book out and see if I am just seeing the quotes that were steamy or if this book was going to blow my mind. 

This book was a little slower than I usually like books but then it also sped up in really random points. We went from bouncing around daily to all of sudden jumped a month in the future. So it was hard to keep track of what was going on. I really did like the two main characters (I am kind of hoping the second book has more on their friends). I loved how the author did bring up some of the backstory of Sienna. But really wanted some more of the backstory of Keller in the book. I felt like their relationship was super rushed and that Sienna was really forgiving of Keller. I am not sure I would be so forgiving for the things Keller did that brought on PTSD as she did. Also girl...he lied to you on who he is multiple of times. Also wished there was more drama with her friend Maddie trying to knock sense into her head. But let's talk about the STEAMY Parts in this book. They were hot hot hot. They were so many throughout this book. Also each one was different then the last. If you need steam....this book has steam. it was a decent book so much that I can't wait to read book two. 

Quotes That I Liked 

"I crave the feeling of being claimed, owned, and used. It might be wrong, being so fiercely independent in every other aspects from such a young age, but this one part of me I needed to brought to life." 

"Good Girl." 

"For every mark left on your beautiful body, I'll snap one of his bones. He will pay for this. I promise you..."

"Don't ever think I want to hide you, Sienna. I could feel your thoughts the second I walked in the room. I want the world to know you belong to me and that I am only owned by you." 


Friday, May 26, 2023

Justice for Mickie (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes #2) by Susan Stoker


For Cruz Livingston, becoming an FBI agent is a lifelong dream, guarding the streets of San Antonio, a calling. His latest assignment - infiltrating the Red Brothers Motorcycle Club--will help stem the flow of illegal drugs brought into the city by the violet gang. he expects the job to be dangerous. He doesn't expect to meet the woman of his dreams while undercover. Justice for Mickie by Susan Stoker was published in November 2015. This book two of Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes series. 

This book is amazing and it kept me on my seat every time I turned the page. I didn't know who I was at more Cruz for not telling her he was FBI or her for trying to get involved into the Biker Gang. This book had so much action in the bed and outside the bed that I could not put it down. I think Susan Stoker really put her all in this book and I can't wait to read more books in this series. The characters in this book each have a backstory that you learn about through pieces in the book. Also they don't instantly fall in love and everything is perfect. Their is a lot of ups and downs which is normal for a not book relationship. I recommend checking this book out. 

Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Series in Order 
9. Justice for Erin
10. Justice for Milena
11. Shelter for Blythe 
12. Justice for Hope
13. Shelter for Quinn
14. Shelter for Koren
15. Shelter for Penelope


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Protecting Melody (SEAL of Protection #7) by Susan Stoker


Tex gave everything he had to his county and his SEAL teammates. When an IED took away part of his leg, and his career, he devoted himself to his country and friends from behind his computer. He's always been the man that can find anyone, that uses his computer skills, legal and illegal, to keep people safe and to put the bad guys behind bars. But behind a computer is a lonely place to be. Protecting Melody by Susan Stoker was published in September 2015. This book seven of the SEAL of Protection series. 

Finally, we get to really dive in deep into who Tex is. We have waited all series to finally get to know the famous Tex. Of course all the books in the series led up to this moment when he gets his own book. But that is beside the point. Tex is such an amazing guy when he helps with so many different SEALs and actually a lot of different people. It's about time when he finally meets someone that he is interested. Let me tell you that Melody is perfect for him and she doesn't let Tex just order her around like the Alpha male we all know. Anyway, I really loved this book and I just fell in love more with Tex then I did in other books. I highly recommend checking out this amazing book. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

Hunter (The Bang Shift #2) by Mandy Harbin


After finally getting out of her disastrous relationship, Maya Carmichael has sworn off all bad boys. Sure they're hot. The attitude? No thanks. But when her car is vandalized while on a night out with her roommate, she realizes her ex is truly sadistic. Her friend insists they lay low for a few days while the cops do their thing. Unfortunately her temporary haven will throw her in the path of another bad boy. Oh, she's heard stories about her roommate's brother, Hunter, and he's just the type she wants to avoid. Until she sees him....and all good intentions fly. Hunter by Mandy Harbin was published in March 2015. This is book two of the The Bang Shift series. 

I absolutely loved this book so much. I loved Hunter and I kept yelling at Maya to show Hunter something. I knew that it was going to bite her in the butt. But I have to say through the whole book I was trying to figure out how Maya story and Hunter's past was going to come colliding. How were they intersecting. I was though surprised when it came to head. I really like this story and I felt like the love between Maya and Hunter didn't come out of left field or feel rush as Brody and and his girlfriend's did. I really felt both of the characters grew and I can't wait to read the next book in line. 

A Quote that I Love 
"At least you know he's not the type to trash your car," Heather said softly. "No," she said tonelessly. "He's the type to hide in a bush and slit a man's throat in the still of the night." 

Bang Shift Series Books in Order 
1. Brody


Sunday, May 21, 2023

Brody (The Bang Shift #1) by Mandy Harbin


Brody "Brutus" Jackson isn't your average small-town mechanic. The garage where he works doubles as the headquarters for a ruthless team of mercenaries. They're all bosses under the hood, lethal behind the gun, and just shady enough to handle any job that comes their way. There's a reason they call themselves the Bang Shift. For a man with no memory of his past and no cares of the future, it's the perfect arrangement. Brody by Mandy Harbin was published in March 2012. This books one of the The Bang Shift series. 

I have to to be honest straight up this book was a little slow in parts and there were times that I was going to put it down. But....I am so glad that I didn't though the ending kind of through me for a loop over and over again. I really started to fall in love with the two main characters as it progressed in the book. Though I felt like some of their love felt force but when you learn more about Brody and his background. Things started to be put into a puzzle. There were parts that I was sobbing so far warning there is some sad parts. I really did like the story, I just wish in the beginning that was a little shorter or a little more moving into the rest of the story. I highly recommend it and can't wait to read more about the Bang Shift team. 

Some of My favorite Quotes
"If I was pulling your hair, you'd be too busy screaming my name, and I'd be too deep inside you for you to run away," he rasped. 

"Let me in," he growled against her lips as his hand tightened in her hair. She gasped at the erotically sharp tingle on her scalp, giving him the access he sought, breaking her last defense against his invasion. 

Bang Shift Series Books in Order 
1. Brody
2. Hunter


Sunday, May 7, 2023

Protecting Julie (SEAL of Protection #6.5) by Susan Stoker


Julie Lytle is working hard to turn her life around. Being kidnapped by sex traffickers changed her drastically, but having grown up the spoiled daughter of a senator, Julie wishes she could've changed just a little sooner. Shamed by her behavior toward the woman rescued alongside her, and further embarrassed and guilt-racked over the way she treated the SEALs who risked their lives on her behalf, Julie is desperate to make amends. Protecting Julie by Susan Stoker was published in July 2015. This is a novella between book six and seven in the SEAL of Protection series. 

I love this sweet short novella about Julie. Julie was dwelt with a horrible life at the very beginning and learned from her mistakes. I love how she tries to apologize and meets Patrick. This is a sweet story of love and forgiveness. This book talks about each persons background showing their faults and even their growth through the book. I love that we get to see Julie her growth from seeing what she went through when she was rescued earlier in the series. I highly recommend checking out this amazing book. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Embracing the Fall (New York #4) by Lainey Reese


Cami and Zipporah are two girls that couldn't be more different if they tried. They met as college roommates, forging a friendship that became a lifeline when tragedy struck. Now as Cami opens herself to reclaim her sexuality, including the possibility that she is a sexual submissive, her fear of the unknown threatens to keep her chained by the past forever. Zipporah has always been Cami's champion and supporter. Embracing the Fall by Lainey Reese was published in August 2014. This is book four of the New York series. 

I am not one to read a book with a tri-couple is in play or a threesome. Especially if  it's two women and one male. But I was pleasantly surprised on how I felt okay with this book. I really love the relationship of friendship that Cami and Zipporah have towards each other. I could see how they felt comfortable in trying this type of relationship with each other. I really love the main guy character and how he loves each of the women but knows that they are different people. This book is really sweet and I love how it's not as easy as falling into bed when you deal with someone who has been sexually abused. It gave me a chuckle on who the person was that hurt Cami. I recommend checking this book out. 

Beautiful No More (The Bounty Hunters-The Marino Bros. #4) by MJ Nightingale

Catarina Stone is a woman of mystery, and she likes to keep it that way. But she is thrust into the limelight when two of her "girls" are slain by a serial killer. The Tampa Madame, as she has been dubbed by the press, is being hounded by the media who want to find a connection between the killer and her. She reaches out to Andreas Marino of The Marino Bros. Beautiful No More by MJ Nightingale was published in July 2015. This is book four of The Bounty Hunters - The Marino Bros. series. 

I was so excited to learn more about Andreas in this book. Also I was excited for him to finally find love after all of his little brothers were in love. I was not disappointed in the least to find that the lady who interest him has connection with someone of Andreas past. This book is so unique and unlike his brother's books previously. I really love that we also get to know more about his brothers and their past more in this book. This book had backstory that wasn't taking us back and forth from the past to the present. They came out in the conversations through the story. I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read more by MJ Nightingale.