Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Hunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse Duet #2) by H.D. Carlton




The Diamond: Death walks alongside me, but the reaper is no match for me. I'm trapped in a world full of monsters dressed as men, and those aren't as they seem. They won't keep me forever. 
The Hunter: I was born a predator, with ruthlessness ingrained in my bones. When what's mine is stolen from in the night, like a diamond hidden within a fortress, I find that I can no longer contain the beast. Hunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton was published in January 2022. This is the second and last book of Cat and Mouse duet. This book was nominated for Swoon Award for Romantic Suspense in 2022. 

I thought the first book in this duet was going to make my heart fall out of my chest from of the scenes. But this book takes the cake. The main characters are still the same two amazing people Adeline and Zade. But now Adeline has been kidnapped by not so nice people and she is being immersed into the sex trade rings. Which means she is the product and has to be groomed by some nasty ass people. So Adeline grew a lot in the first book with Zade and really got to know herself. In this book though Adeline has a different change to her. She has to learn to be a survivor. She has to learn how to protect herself and not fall victims to people who are currently worse then Zade. Zade has gone absolutely crazy trying to find Adeline. I think he feels totally lost without her in his life now that he had her. So...you see him scrambling and falling to pieces. Though he does find a new way in life towards the end of the book. The plot in this book is amazing with it's ups and downs and going on a rollercoaster like the first one. Though be careful there is many drops where you don't think you will recover. The plot is great. I just wish there was no big jumps in the time-line as much. I think this book could have survived being split into several books. The author really does know how to right and really gets a lot of the feelings out in the paper when it's each character. The ending is amazing and I really wish I could see more of their life after this book. Pretty Please.... Anyways...I highly recommend this book so much. 

Quotes That I Loved 

God, is this what being alive feels like? It can't be death. I'd be at peace if it were. And I may have fallen for a stalker, but I'll be damned if I didn't land a spot within heaven's gates. I fucking earned that shit. 

I don't know why I got tossed into this shit, but they need to take me out of this fucked-up salad of depravity; I don't belong here. I belong in a salad full of fruits and vegetables. Healthy things that don't run me off the road and enslave me. 

yes, pedo master, I would forget all about Zade and only think of you and your small, puny cock. 

Good job, little mouse," he praises, his voice deep and smooth as butter. 


Shelter for Elizabeth (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes #5) by Susan Stoker


Elizabeth Parkins lived through a nightmare come true - getting kidnapped by a serial killer. Seeking a fresh start, she moves to Texas, but escaping her demons proves impossible when she's too terrified to leave her own apartment. A small, accidental fire sparks a coping method she'd never expected, and brings an amazing man to her door. Shelter for Elizabeth by Susan Stoker was published in May 2016. This is book five of the Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes. 

Out of all the books in this series this was one of my favorites. I loved that we get to meet Elizabeth again in this book and you see her happy ending. She deserves it with everything she was put through in Protecting Summer. Let's first talk about the characters in this book. I absolutely loved the character Summer. We know what happened to summer if you read when she was introduced in a side ways in the other book. But here we get to know all about her past and of course her future. You watch Elizabeth grow so much as her own self in this book and heck in the following books in this series. She becomes strong and really tries to be able to have a group of friends. She is very well rounded character and you just want to smother her in hugs. The other main character is Cade. Let me tell you that Cade just wants to send shivers down your spine. He's this loveable character who wants to do everything to protect Elizabeth and you find out he kind of understand because of his own sister. He has his own faults and he grows from that as well. But the way he supports Elizabeth is how every female wants to be supported. The plot in this story is so great and the two characters may like each other at first sight but they like everyone has ups and downs. They are both adjusting to each other in this book with a little drama here and there. I really like this book. I can't wait to read more books by Susan Stoker. 

Quotes I Liked 

"Using PenisGod isn't a good username for things like Amazon and eBay. And you really need to delete your craigslist account because calling yourself penis god is only attracting weirdos. You probably don't even remember you had that old ad up when you were trying to sell your bicycle. Well, it's one of the most clicked - on ads on the site for San Antonio. I'm not exaggerating either. You had four hundred and sixty-nine messages - and I'm not even going to comment on the sixty-nine thing. But three hundred and fourteen of those contained pictures of men's dicks. Fifty-seven were from women who were interested in a three-some with you, fifty-five were spam, people trying to get you to click on links or buy some crap product, and the remaining sixteen emails were religious in nature, telling you to repent for your soul." "I should probably be pissed you got into my account, but I trust you, so I'm not. But it's not penis god!" Penelope exclaimed huffily. "It's Pen IS God." Cade burst out laughing "Seriously, sis? Penis god? Just wait until the guys hear this!" 

Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Series in Order 
5. Shelter for Elizabeth 
9. Justice for Erin
10. Justice for Milena
11. Shelter for Blythe 
12. Justice for Hope
13. Shelter for Quinn
14. Shelter for Koren
15. Shelter for Penelope


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Haunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse Duet #1) by H.D. Carlton


I can manipulate the emotions of anyone who lets me. I will make you hurt, make you cry, make you laugh and sigh. But my words don't affect him. Especially not when I plead for him to leave. He's always there, watching and waiting. And I can never look away. Not when I want him to come closer. Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton was published in August 2021. This is book one of Cat and Mouse Duet series. 

First off HOLY FUCK!!!!! Okay, this book just threw me in so many emotions. But first let me tell you that this book has SO MANY triggers. Please be aware if you have triggers when reading this book. Also the authors note at the beginning of the book really sent me giggling so make sure you read it. Okay, the main characters is Z and Adeline with a few other characters through out the book. Let's talk about Z.....just kidding let's talk about Adeline. Adeline is an author of thrillers. She loves to be scared and moved into her grandmother's mansion. I mean you kind of know she likes scary thing when you realize what her mansion looks like. Adeline though at first I was like, Oh I am not going to like this character because she is not like me at all. Then not even a chapter in I am like oh my goodness, I love this quirky girl. She has faults and sometimes I feel like they got her into this situations. But it makes her so loveable and someone that you also want to smack up the back of the head. ALRIGHT...I know you want to talk about the main guy character. Z is just this really really creepy stalker who latched on to Adeline. When Adeline describes what he looks like apart of me wants to run and hide but yet I am also curious on how it will play. Z...has so many RED FLAGS but yet you still love him in a really weird way. The Author really knows how to make you fall in love with this Stalker. To tell you the truth I could totally see this happening in real life. I felt like the two main characters were someone I could know and that just scares me. 

O.M.G. Let's talk about the plot of this book. So when I did want to talk to a few friends (you know who I am talking to) I described my feelings while reading this book in emojis. Because this book brings so many different emotions from: "Are you stupid?" to "RED FLAG, CALL THE POLICE!" to "HE DID WHAT WITH WHAT!!!" to "Awww...he's so sweet." It was that crazy and it only got worse as I read on. This book is so many ups and downs I felt like my heart and head were going on a huge rollercoaster. I swear I even went upside down a few times. I have to say though I could not stop sharing quotes and events in the story with my husband. H.D. Carlton really knows how to write with descriptions (though I am worried of her sanity) and how she designed the plot in this story. There were so many little hints about different things and then she would throw you a curve ball. I absolutely loved this book and so glad that I finally got up the courage to read it. 

But I will say this, do not be afraid to take a break from reading it. There were times that I had to move to a different book to just lighten my mood. This book is dark and it's okay to check out other books in the meantime while you take a short break. It will still be there. 

 Quotes That I Loved

"Did you not just hear what I heard? Someone was banging on my door, and it was kind of scary. I'm not in the mood to have sex right now." 

"Plucking the card out with shaking hands, I open it and read: I'll be seeing you soon, little mouse." 

With deliberation, his tongue darts out and licks his bottom lip. My eyes zero in on the movement. The act primal. Animalistic. And fucking terrifying. 

"Drown in my fucking pussy. Die there for all I care." 

"But the asshole would probably like it, and then turn around and slap me back. And my dumbass self would probably like it, too. 


The Other Bennett Brother: A Sweet Romantic Comedy (The Bennett Family Book #1) by Jaycee Howard


When my best friend asks me to be his fake girlfriend for his family's reunion, I hardly hesitate. Who wouldn't want to help their friend in an obviously dire situation? There are a few things he's neglected to tell me though...like how his family is apparently mega-rich and this reunion practically takes over the entire town. Or that this trip would lead me everywhere from poison ivy fiascos to blazing down the trail on a runaway horse to shopping for wedding dresses with his family. Most importantly, he failed to mention that he has a brother who was basically plucked from my fantasies with a glaze that sends chills up my spine despite the August heat. The Other Bennett Brother by Jaycee Howard was published in May 2023. This is book one of The Bennett Family series. 

This is what I like to call a clean romance. Which means there is no smut through out this book. Let's talk about the main three characters though. The leading female has her own issues that you get to see throughout the book. Though a lot of causes some humor in the books. Then her best friend (who is a guy) has his own issues. Some of which I am like, "What the hell." But you see him grow at the very end of the book and it looks like the next book might be for him. The main guy character is one of my favorites. He has his own issues and yet it's in a cute way. The poison ivy issue makes me giggle just thinking about it. The plot in this book is so cute and light hearted. Obviously there is some sexual tension but none that are over the top Alpha mode. I love the humor scenes throughout this book. The ending of this book makes me swoon and giggle. I highly recommend checking out this book if you are needing a break from dark romance and need some clean romance fun. 

Quotes That I Loved 

"A grown man living off Lunchables?" "Hey, don't bash them. They're like a charcuterie board to-go." 

She laughs, a loud, genuine laugh that brought back all kinds of "user errors" in my head. I needed to get ahold of myself quickly otherwise I really was going to make a complete idiot of myself before the week was over. 

"I need to go shopping with them like I need a knife in the chest." 

"I kind of like awkward." He says quieter than before and every sense in my body dies a little. Hedidnotjustsaythat. Hedidnotjustsaythat. Hedidnotjustsaythat. 


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Matty (Anchor Me #3) by Lisa Carlisle


Matty is back in Newport and that means I'm in trouble. He's my older brother's best friend who I've crushed on since we were kids. The yearning returns, leaving me just as awkward as I was back then. Meanwhile, my ex has decided he wants to get back together. Never going to happen, no matter how hard he tries. My heart belongs to one man. Matty by Lisa Carlisle was published in July 2020. This is book three in Anchor Me series. 

I absolutely loved Matty in book one and two with his humor so I was looking forward to seeing him in his own book. I was not disappointed. As much as I loved his humor I really felt bad for Matty in this book at the beginning. He was just kicked out of being a Navy SEAL because of a injury in his leg. I also love his counter part in Jenna. Though I really wanted to see what Jenna's brother thought of the whole thing. The plot is a little slow in parts but wasn't to bad once everything started to get more intense. Though some action would have been a lot better. Also maybe some more of them talking about their lives as a kid would have been helpful. I felt like I didn't understand why the two of them were together. How did Matty go she is like a little sister to me to I must have her as my wife. It was a good read other wise. 

Quotes That I Loved

"Spent some time getting my ass kicked in training. And then more ass kicking with some more training and deployments." "Sounds like your ass must be quite sore," She quipped. 

Matty didn't give a shit about the song anymore. They could play Baby Shark on loop as long as he could continue to touch her as she moved this way. "Sure." 

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm like gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe. You can't get rid of me that easily." 

Anchor Me Series
3. Matty
4. Jack
6. Mark
7. Leo 


Sunday, June 18, 2023

Justice for Laine (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes #4) by Susan Stoker


Reluctantly taking her best friend's place at a photo shoot, realtor Laine Parker expects to assist the photographer for the day...not drool over the volunteer model, Westin King. The Texas Ranger and real-life cowboy is hot-on-hot sexy, from the tips of his boots to the top of his Stetson. Despite her visceral reaction to the man, the last thing Laine expects is a whirlwind romance - but that's exactly what she gets. Justice for Laine by Susan Stoker was published in May 2016. This is book four of the Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes. 

Holy hotness alert at the very start of this book. What a first chapter for sure to knock your feet off. This book starts off with a BANG as the description and the heat is brought with the words of the two main characters. Laine is such a sweet girl with a friend who is just hyper. She has her own story that she tells throughout the book which is great. I love her smart mouth when she is upset and how she handles herself throughout this book. Westin has his own little issues that come to play but he also has a sweet lovin mouth on him. He grows though out this book. The plot is quick but it gets it's point across and doesn't feel like it's rushed. It doesn't feel like it was rushed through the book. This book is really sweet and does not leave you hanging. I fell in love with both characters of this story. I highly recommend checking this amazing book out. 

Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Series in Order 
4. Justice for Laine
9. Justice for Erin
10. Justice for Milena
11. Shelter for Blythe 
12. Justice for Hope
13. Shelter for Quinn
14. Shelter for Koren
15. Shelter for Penelope


Saturday, June 17, 2023

Justice for Corrie (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes #3) by Susan Stoker


Blind since birth, Corrie Madison relies on her other sharpened senses in her job as a chiropractor. Never did she imagine she'd have to depend on them to identify a killer. But when a man enters her practice, murdering everyone in his path, Corrie is the only witness - putting her directly in the killer's crosshairs. Officer Quint Axton wasn't looking for love, or even a relationship, until he meets Corrie. Justice for Corrie by Susan Stoker was published in February 2016. This is the third book of the Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes series. 

Wow did this book cause my heart to go speed ahead with how intense it was in the very beginning. First off I loved the main characters in this book especially Corrie. I loved her spunkiness and quick thinking. Also loved how she was not afraid to put people in their place when they treated her like glass. But I also loved how Quint was not treating her like glass but a real person. The plot in this story is absolutely AMAZING! It had me in shock through the ups and downs in this book. Both of the characters not only grew together but also grew themselves. I did not want this book to end and finished it in a day because I could not put it down at all. Susan Stoker really knows how to put enough smut, romance, and action to keep her readers reading. I highly recommend checking this book out. 

Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Series in Order 
3. Justice for Corrie
9. Justice for Erin
10. Justice for Milena
11. Shelter for Blythe 
12. Justice for Hope
13. Shelter for Quinn
14. Shelter for Koren
15. Shelter for Penelope


Vince (Anchor Me #2) by Lisa Carlisle


After my divorce, I was a hot mess. One night after catering a wedding, I ended up escaping reality for a little while with a hot Marine. Six months later, I discover the EOD tech I'd been emailing for a work project is the same Marine from the wedding. And we'll be working together over the next couple of weeks. Awkward. Vince by Lisa Carlisle was published in June 2020. This is the second book in Anchor Me series. 

I really liked this book about Vince and Emma. It makes me giggle when characters are like this is just going to be a one-night stand and we are all like, "NAH...." Vince in this book grew quickly in protecting Emma but also in falling in love with this sweet girl. He has his own faults which is he is cocky but he grows and learns from his mistakes. Emma has several faults a lot of which she just doesn't trust herself. But I love hearing bout her background. The plot of this story was not what I thought it would be like. I thought it would be similar to book one where Vince is trying to protect Emma from something and she comes to near death experience. But it did not which is okay and I rather liked how it was different then the other book. I highly recommend checking out this amazing book. 
Quotes That I Loved 

"To make up for a loud night and messy cleanup ahead, how about I take you out tomorrow, Emma?" 

"....Was it that cringe-inducing?" She laughed and playfully punched his bicep. "No, you goof. It was good." "Just good?" he prodded. "Pretty good. Better?" "Not epic? World-shaking? Shag-a-licious?" 

"No sex." He laughed. 'I didn't say that." She fixed her gaze on him. "You were thinking it." 

Anchor Me Series
2. Vince 
4. Jack
6. Mark
7. Leo 


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Driven Series Books 1-3 by K. Bromberg


Colton Donavan lives on that razor thin edge toward out of control. Whether it's on the track or off of it, everything he wants is at his fingertips: success, willing women, media attention. Everything that is, but me. I'm the exception this reckless bad boy can't seem to win over. Driven by K. Bromberg was published in May 2013. This is book one of the Driven series. 

So, I started to read this because I really want to read books before I watch them. This book was made into a movie on Passionflix. First let's talk about the two main characters. Rylee Thomas is our leading female. She is still dealing with the death of her fiancé and her baby. Also finding out that she was also damaged in the car accident that she won't be able to have a baby. She has so many faults but also she is so strong. Which is needed when it comes Colton. I felt like I could really picture who she was. Colton...wow is he a mess. He's the bad boy of bad boys to a T. He has so many faults that I had to try to find some of the good for him. In this book, I really hated Colton and really wanted to find some good from him. The plot of this book is a little all over the place. There were many many downs in this book but I am not sure if it was all on purpose or if some of it or not. It's a great story and while I was trying to figure it all out. I am glad that I stuck with it. 

 Quotes That I like 
"Sorry, I don't waste my time on misogynist jerks like you. Go find someone ---" 

"She also taught me that when I want something, I need to keep after it until I get it." Great, so now I've acquired a stalker. A handsome, sexy, very annoying stalker. 

"I don't ever want to hear you refer to yourself as a whore again." 

"I. Can't. Resist. You." 

What happens when the one person you never expected suddenly happens to be the one you'll fight the hardest to keep? Colton stole my heart. He wasn't supposed to, and I sure as hell didn't want him to, but he crashed into my life, ignited feelings within me that I thought had died forever, and fueled a passion that I never knew could exist. Fueled by K. Bromberg was published in August 2013. 

So I went right into book two after I finished book one because book one finished on a massive cliffhanger (Not Nice...K. Bromberg). So in book 1 Rylee was the one who changed the most but in book two this is where Colton comes out to play with the BIG LEAGUES. I felt like I could get to know this Colton guy in this book a lot better. Also the smut in these books are on FIRE! I actually was starting to egg the characters on in my mind to fight more. Why....because their passion really comes out to play when they are fighting. I felt like the writing in this book was a lot better in not flopping a lot. I had an easier time following Rylee's thoughts and what was happening in the book. Also...I really love some of the side characters in this book. Let's just say Rylee and Colton have some amazing supportive friends. There were times in the book where you will want to kill Colton because he makes a lot of mistakes and doesn't want to follow rules. I also need to warn you that if you cry or even don't cry about books you might be in a rude awakening because I am not a crier and I was crying in this book. On to Book 3. 
Quotes That I Loved 
"C'mon, spill the deets for dried up old me. How's his Aussie kiss? How many times did he make you come when you went to his house?" 

"Damn. That face is a definite work of art. You need to make sure you frame it between your legs every chance you get." 

 "Too bad you shaved," I say, fighting the smirk I want to give him. "I kinda liked the roughness of it between my thighs." 

When life crashes down around us, how hard are we willing to fight for the one thing we can't live without, each other? Crashed by K. Bromberg was published March 2014. This is book three of the series. This book was a Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Romance in 2014. 

Ahh....book two ended on another massive cliffhanger (I am glaring at you K. Bromberg). Then this book starts off in this weird chapter where you question everything. I came so close to closing this series and walking away if things didn't change. Anyway, I can't say so much about this book but the smut and the romance in this book are absolutely amazing. But there is so much so much drama coming in from all different directions as well. But you know what....I think this was K. Bromberg best book of the series for sure. I absolutely loved this book so much and I think I experienced every single emotion while reading this book. I think my family was getting worried. I highly recommend reading this book. 

Quotes That I Loved 

"Good, because, Ry, I want to be your first, your last, and every fucking thing in between." 

"....I want to know you feel just as fucking alive inside as you make me." 

"...I want to be your sigh, your moan, your cry out in pleasure and every fucking sound in between." 


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

When Love & Hate Collide by Shayla Hart


Have you ever met someone and immediately loathed everything about their very existence? I have. Dean Reyes. The devil's most prized portage. And ultimately...my ruin. I had the misfortune of meeting him when we were just five years old when the Turners moved onto our street, and my mother forced me into being friends and playing with him. Our friendship lasted a total of five minutes before he left me sobbing at the playground after harshly informing me that he will never be friends with a girl and that I should never speak to him again. Much to his dismay, his twin sister Ashlyn and I become best friends. When Love & Hate Collide by Shayla Hart was published in June 2014. 

This is another one of those books that I saw multiple reels on Instagram and had to check it out myself. First let's talk about the two main characters. The female who has a weird name, I feel like she has a lot going on. She grew up while away for college with her friend. Okay, that seems like it could happen. But man does this girl got on my nerves. I somehow pictured her voice very whiny like in my head and felt like she whined a lot. I felt like she had nothing going on for her and really needed more from her. The middle of the book I tended to like her better. Now the boy in this book, I hated him at the very beginning but then I grew to really like him. I loved his personality in this book. Okay this plot just felt really off to me. I had a hard time buying the whole they didn't know who each other were because they changed so much while apart. I mean come on you two grew up together and spend time daily in the same house. How could you not figure it out. Also the plot just felt flat to me. Don't get me wrong there was a lot of humor and smut galore through this book but it was lacking. The cliffhanger at the end was interesting and I still can't find the next book. So not even sure if the author wrote a second book. All in all if you want a good smut this book is great. But if you need a good story-line maybe you might pass this by. 

Book Tok Made me Do It

Quotes That I Liked

"Do you plan on standing there gawping at me all night, princess, or do you want to get out of my way?" 

"If you're looking for a dirty habit to indulge in Angel, I'll readily volunteer myself as a substitute." 

"Mind my business?" he intones darkly. "She is my business. You just put your hands on my girl which now gives me the privilege and satisfaction to reach down your throat and rip your fucking spleen out." 

"Make a mistake once and it becomes a lesson, repeat that mistake a second time and it becomes a choice, JJ." 

Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights #2) by MJ Nightingale


Joseph Sassacus, corporate attorney for his reservation's casino, would rather be fighting for justice for his people, but the casino sucks him in time and time again. A dark haired beauty with almond eyes might be able to alleviate some of the stress he is feeling. He can't help but imagine doing things to her he shouldn't, but her allure keeps him coming back for more. A life altering tragedy prevents Jewel Diamante from pursuing her dreams of her own restaurant. She finds herself doing things she never thought she would have to do. She has no time to pursue her own ambitions, let alone Joseph Sassacus. But the man with the sexy smile, and electric touch, has her pulse pounding and her senses reeling. Triple Diamonds by MJ Nightingale was published in February 2016. This is book two of the Mystic Nights series. 

So I had a lot of hope for this book so I was a little bummed with the fact that I felt like it was slow in the beginning of this book. Though I am so glad that I stuck with it as it started to pick up and I was caught up in the romance between Joseph and Jewel. I actually, fell in love with Jewel in her raising her twin brothers. Joseph I felt was a little flat but I don't know if it's because I read a little bit more about their history from book one or what. I felt like he was too perfect for most of the book until some of the drama started. Then I saw some of his faults. Jewel had some of her own faults from the beginning showing. But then you see her grow and learn to trust others to help her. Both characters made progression in the book which is a huge plus. Also they didn't instantly fall in love which you find in a lot of romance novels. So that is a huge plus. I also love how she was concerned over her brothers and soon Joseph was also concerned. I recommend checking out this amazing book. 

Mystic Nights Books in Order 
2. Triple Diamonds 
3. Lucky Strike 
4. Black Jack
5. Playing for Keeps
6. Betting on Benny
7. Gambling on a Seal 


Quotes That I loved 

Removing one hand from her arms, he took her chin and tilted her head up so he could claim those lips. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Angelo (Anchor Me #1) by Lisa Carlisle


A stranger has been warning me about my research for the government. My coworkers tell me not to worry, but it bothers me. I can't let it show, though. This is my first time as a project lead. At least, a weekend wedding in Newport promises a much needed escape. But when I come face to face with Angelo DeMarchis, that illusion shatters. Angelo by Lisa Carlisle was published in April 2020. This is the first book of Anchor Me series. 

It makes me laugh when I read books and read the famous words, "I am never getting married." Why, does it make me laugh because we all know in romance novels after you utter those words that means that you are going to be the next one walking down that aisle. Let's first though talk about the two main characters. 

Angelo DeMarchis is a macho guy who is home on leave and going to a cousin's wedding. So I chuckle with Angelo faults as he wants to do things his way and no one can go against that. But you see him grow through the books and you end up falling in love with this big hunk of man. Catherine is a sweet lady who just seems to be having some weird things happening to her. No one will listen to her about this guy sending letters to her and threatening her. She feels like she is on her own. She of course has her own faults but also grows through the story. 

The plot of this story has some slow parts and then in others you feel like things are jumping around. But it's a sweet story and there is a little smut in it. The smut though is tame compare to some of the other books I have read in the past. I enjoyed this story and could see both characters in this book. I do wish there was more action both in the bedroom and outside of it to help spead up the slow parts. But it was not a bad read. 
Anchor Me Series
1. Angelo 
4. Jack
6. Mark
7. Leo 


Quotes That I liked 
"You feel so good, Cate." He murmured against her neck, a smooth velvet murmur that sent shivers of delight through her. "Worth the wait." 

"It took a long time to get over you." Her tone softened. "Seeing you here again, I don't know if I ever truly did." She forced a smile and shrugged. "You're the one who got away." 

"....When you find the right one for you, all those ideas of what you think you want in your life vanish. Your heart recognizes what you need."

Rescuing (Assisting) Aimee (Delta Force Heroes #1.5 / The Omega Team Universe #3) by Susan Stoker


Aimee O'Brien has harbored a not-so-little crush on her school's new first-grade teacher since the beginning of the year. Tall, muscled, with long hair and a beard, and a penchant for wearing silly ties to amuse his students...the man is too gorgeous for words. As the PE teacher, Aimee's wardrobe consists of casual gym clothing not likely to catch anyone's eye. So no one is more surprised than her when Tony makes his interest clear. Rescuing Aimee by Susan Stoker was published in February 2016. This is book 1.5 of Delta Force Heroes series and book three of The Omega Team Universe. 

Somehow I read this book out of order and missed it for awhile. I am so glad that I went through all of Susan Stoker's books and saw that I had to check this book out. Aimee is an amazing teacher who shows the love of her students. She has faults of her own which just makes you love her even more. She actually reminds me of certain teachers that myself or my kids have had that we all loved. Tony, I have a harder time picturing as an elementary teacher. But I think that's because I never had an alpha male teacher in my life. So it's hard to see it in my head. There is also a bunch of other characters that I want to know more of and hopefully will get a chance too in the future. 

This plot of the books brings all the fears that every parent currently has. That there is a school shooter. This book gives us the mind of what the teachers go through trying to protect the students. I really love how Aimee comes up with a plan to keep the kids hidden in this book. The plot though at the beginning of the book is a little slow just because it's all leading up. It picks up rather quickly and I love how it's a decent size story. I highly recommend checking out this sweet story for sure. Though there is no smut involved. So if you are needing that you will be disappointed. 

Delta Force Heroes Series in Order 
1.5. Rescuing (Assisting) Aimee
6. Rescuing Bryn
7. Rescuing Casey
7.5. Rescuing Sadie
8. Rescuing Wendy
9. Rescuing Mary
9.5. Rescuing Macie
10. Rescuing Annie 


Friday, June 9, 2023

Rescuing Rayne (Delta Force Heroes #1) by Susan Stoker


As a flight attendant, Rayne Jackson is used to cancellations, but she never dreamed her latest would lead to a whirlwind tour of London with a handsome stranger...or a life-altering night in his bed. One evening is all the enigmatic man can give her, and Rayne greedily takes it, despite suspecting it will never be enough. Rescuing Rayne by Susan Stoker was published in January 2016. This is book one in the Delta Force Heroes series. 

This was actually the very first book that I read of Susan Stoker. I know...I am throwing you all off. It was on kindleunlimited and I thought this sounds good so I checked it out. I was not at all disappointed in this book. Let's talk about the main characters. 

So in this book you get to meet Rayne Jackson who is a flight attendant. Rayne is someone I see as likes to live on the caution side. Not someone who likes to live dangerously and yet she knows she stuck. So she decided for once to fight against her personality and threw it to the wind. I see herself fighting herself a lot in this book in the first part of the book. But while you are sort of in her mind you really get her personality. She has faults and that is also her strength later on. She is not flat all and I love how we learn more and more about her throughout this book. Keane "Ghost" Bryson is the alpha male to a tee. He doesn't leave you falling on your face in personality. He had this tough side to him but then slowly you see more of his tenderness. I mean not every tough guy will sit on a bench and let someone just enjoy staring at a building. Also he face-timed his mom so she could see the building. 

The plot starts a little slow in the beginning which is fine as the author is trying to get the setting down and the personality of the two characters. But it speeds up pretty quick and soon you can't put this book down. I really love the relationship between Rayne and Ghost. Their relationship isn't easy from the very moment they met each other to when they reconnect. I really love that and I love that both characters have faults and that makes them feel like I know them personally. I highly recommend this amazing book you won't be disappointed. 

Delta Force Heroes Series in Order 
6. Rescuing Bryn
7. Rescuing Casey
7.5. Rescuing Sadie
8. Rescuing Wendy
9. Rescuing Mary
9.5. Rescuing Macie
10. Rescuing Annie 



"Guys like him...they aren't the flowers - and - candy type. He probably won't take you out to a romantic dinner. I don't see him renting a plane and having it fly a banner declaring his love for you." 

"Romance isn't about the outer trappings society has pushed down our throats from the time we were little. It's showing in all the little ways that you care about the person you're with...." 

"You're doing out laundry."
"Yeah, Ghost. I am," she repeated. 
"Ours. Our laundry."
"Did you hit your head today? I'm seriously worried about you." 

"Hell, buy twelve boxes of tampons and three bottles of prenatal vitamins. That'll confuse the clerk for sure.'